The Week Ahead: President & Legislation in the spotlight

The President's oral question session is the high point of the parliamentary week. He is required to answer questions of national or international importance once per term in accordance with the annual parliamentary programme. The questions are sifted and published beforehand in a process involving the Speaker, to ensure that ...

Mr William Madisha (COPE)


What is your political background? I grew up in Atteridgeville. I went to the Transvaal College of Education in 1981 and I was in the leadership of the student movement. I became the president of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) for a period of twelve years. I was ...

Infographic: Quarterly Labour Force Survey - 2016

The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years and above who live in South Africa. The QLFS for the First Quarter (Q1) of 2016 was first released ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament’s budget vote in the spotlight

The Legislature's budget vote, scheduled for Thursday, is the main plenary event this week. In their speeches, the presiding officers will underscore the role of Parliament in our democracy, talk about the challenges facing the institution, highlight a few successes, outline the allocation for each programme and give some detail ...

The Week Ahead: The Presidency's budget vote & legislation in the spotlight

After a low key week, Parliament has scheduled a busy programme in the main chambers and committee corridor. There is only four weeks left before the legislature takes an extended break ahead of the local government elections, but there is still plenty of legislating, oversight and scrutinising, and set piece ...

The Week Ahead: Budget debates and 'Taking Parliament to the People' dominate

For the past two weeks committees have been meeting with departments and entities to pore over their strategic and annual performance plans, budgets and performance targets and prepare reports for consideration by the House.

The focus now shifts to the budget vote debates that commence tomorrow and run until 12 ...

Infographic: Overview of the South African Labour Market

The Portfolio Committee on Labour received an overview of the South African labour market (unemployment rates, jobs per sector and 2015 quarterly employment trends) by the Financial Fiscal Commission. The FFC noted there was a close association between the economic growth rate and the unemployment rate. When economic growth was ...

Infographic: Challenges in the Mining Industry

The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) presented a progress report on the implementation of the “Job Losses Agreement” signed in 2015. To stem job losses in the mining sector, the department had convened a mining leadership meeting in partnership with the Department of Labour, organised labour and several businesses. The ...

Mr Pebane Moteka - EFF


What is your political background? How did you become involved in politics and particularly, what drew you to your specific party?

I have been involved in labour politics since 1995. I was a shop steward as a member of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) for over ...

The week ahead: A fiery week looms

It’s taken a few weeks but Parliament is finally firing on all cylinders with plenty of action scheduled in the National Assembly Chamber and the committee corridor.

The main events will be the debate on the State of the Nation Address on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the President’s ...

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