Live SA: The State of SA youth: Am I xenophobic?


Between April and May 2015, South Africa’s troubles with xenophobic violence gripped the world, the rest of the continent and broader South African society. In the ensuing tension, headlines such as those of Emmanuel Sithole’s murder and – sometimes inaccurate – social media commentary compounded the confusion and anxiety – ...

LiveMagSA: Understanding government’s plan to give ten-year-olds condoms

By Kgorula Bitterhout

The Department of Basic Education has recently come under fire for its plans to provide school kids with condoms. The plan, which is part of the department’s Draft National Policy on HIV, STI’s and TB, could see children as young as ten receive condoms. This has drawn ...

LiveMagSA: Parliament needs to hear your voice

By Rofhiwa Maneta

Let’s have a frank conversation. How often do you keep up with parliament? Outside of the occasional parliamentary scuffle or the President’s annual State of the Nation Address (SONA), do you know what goes on inside the chambers of South Africa’s biggest law-making body? You should. Sure, ...

LiveMagSA: How a bill becomes a law

By Sheilan Clarke

Let’s be honest; making sense of laws, legislation and bills all sound daunting. But we still have a responsibility to know what they mean and the level of impact they have on our lives. But don’t worry, we’re here to show you how bills eventually become laws ...

LiveMagSA: Life without electricity

By Philela Singama

This week, Minister of Public Enterprises announced that South Africans should expect load shedding to continue this winter. The news comes a month after the Department of Energy appeared before the Portfolio Committee on Energy and brought them up to date with the progress of their “Five ...

LiveMagSA: Government and artists should work together to help grow our music industry

By Jamie Petersen

There’s little to no assistance from government to help record labels or artists export local music. This is one of the main issues stifling the growth of South Africa’s music industry. This is according to Sipho Dlamini, the CEO of the South African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO), ...

LiveMagSA: Xenophobia - what is government doing about it?

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This Wednesday, Deputy Minister Cyril Ramaphosa was in parliament to answer questions from members of the National Council of Provinces. A question or two was dedicated to the ongoing energy crisis and government’s plans to arrest the decline into a full blown crisis. But perhaps the most ...

LiveMagSA: Bucket toilets still a reality in parts of South Africa

By Rofhiwa Maneta

In January last year, six year old Micheal Komape lost his life when he fell into a pit toilet at Mahlodumela Primary School in Limpopo. Fast forward five months later and protesters in Diepkloof, Soweto were flashing their buttocks at passing motorists in protest of the bucket ...

LiveMagSA: DA’s motion of no confidence against Zuma flops

By Rofhiwa Maneta

On Tuesday, the National Assembly voted on a proposed motion of no-confidence against President Jacob Zuma. Led by the Democratic Alliance’s parliamentary leader, Mmusi Maimane, the proposed motion expressed the opposition’s disapproval with the president’s list of misdemeanors.

“We cannot in good conscience allow the needs of ...

LiveMagSA: “I am not going to pay back the money…”

By Rofhiwa Maneta

Let’s get straight into it. On Wednesday, President Jacob Zuma appeared in the National Assembly to answer oral questions for the first time since August last year. If you remember, the last session was halted when the EFF were chucked out of parliament for their now infamous ...

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