Budget 2016: How will it be spent?

The Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan delivered the 2016 Budget Speech on Thursday 24 February. The speech focused on decreasing government expenditure, raising tax revenues and preventing a ratings downgrade. The Minister announced a cut in the expenditure ceiling by R10 billion but there is an increase in spending in ...

Parliament and the Budget

Each year Parliament authorises taxes and public expenditure which provides the Government with the money it needs to deliver its policies and run vital services in areas such as Health, Education and Defence. The Budget allocates money between the three spheres of government (national, provincial, local) based on revenue collected. ...

The Week Ahead: All about #budget2016 and some legislating

Finance Minister Pravin Gordan's budget speech on Wednesday will dominate the headlines this week. The Minister has a tough job to do as he seeks to address significant social challenges and reassure investors about the country’s growth prospects.

During the 2015 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech, the former ...

Infographic: SA's voting landscape

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 on their state of readiness for the 2016 Municipal Elections. Although the exact date of the 2016 Municipal Elections will only be known when the election is officially proclaimed by the Minister of ...

Analysis: This week's SONA 2016 debate, an ideal electioneering platform


zuma Picture: Nardus Engelbrecht/SAPA.

The sequel to President Jacob Zuma’s State of the Nation Address unfolds over two afternoons from Tuesday as MPs take to the National Assembly podium to debate last week’s presidential remarks. With local government elections later this year, it’s the perfect opportunity to electioneer ...

The Week Ahead: All eyes on President Zuma and the EFF

On Thursday, all eyes will be fixated on President Zuma as he delivers the annual State of the Nation Address (SONA).

The speech is due to be delivered at 19:00 before a combined gathering of Parliament, cabinet, the judiciary, heads of chapter 9 institutions, business leaders, trade unions, foreign guests ...

Desperate and divided: South Africa has had enough

By Lizette Lancaster

Increasingly, South Africans from all walks of life are mobilising for change. Many resort to public protest in the hope of galvanising government to improve its performance and do something about unacceptable levels of unemployment and poverty. Last year saw widespread community-level protests, along with large-scale student ...

SONA: Go for the Big Five, President Zuma, you have nothing to lose

By Judith February.

The President should focus on the multi-dimensional nature of South Africa’s crisis: from the economy, to racial polarisation, securitisation of the state, dysfunction and maladministration at local government, the problems are easily identifiable. The SONA should be easy to write. Go for the Big Five, and you’re ...

Infographic: Parliamentary Calendar 2016

The first term of Parliament (26 January to 24 March 2016) will see the first major event of the year, the State of the Nation Address (SONA) delivered by President Zuma on 11 February 2016. The President will deliver the speech to a special joint sitting of the National Assembly ...

Infographic: Drought Management

The Department of Water and Sanitation briefed the portfolio committee on the drought management in the country on Wednesday, 11 November 2015. This was followed up by a media briefing by the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) responsible for the drought led by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Pravin ...

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