The week ahead: Parliament's second term kicks off

Parliament resumes this week after a two week break. The second term is expected to run for five weeks and the programme is packed with activities. Some of the highlights include oversight and legislation work, Questions to the President and the Executive, Women’s month celebration and the National Council of ...

Committee passes Financial Management of Parliament Bill amid DA’s concerns

Last week the Standing Committee on Finance adopted the Financial Management of Parliament Bill. The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) had passed an amendment to the Bill, which was referred back to the NA, but the bill had lapsed with the ending of the fourth Parliament but was revived in ...

What’s happening in Parliament this week?

MPs will be relieved that the grueling budget vote schedule will conclude this week. This process usually takes 2-3 months but was compressed into 4 weeks because of the elections. It started with the training of MPs on the processing of the budget votes and was followed by portfolio committees ...

Communications problems: Budget vote confusion and a DA walk-out

On Tuesday, 1 July 2014, the Communications Portfolio Committee joined with the Telecommunications and Postal Services Portfolio Committee to hear the Department of Communications’ (DoC) and GCIS’ Strategic Plans, budgets and Annual Performance Plans for 2014. The mood in the committee room was tense with opposition MPs complaining that they ...

The Parliamentary Calendar: How MPs spend their year

As newly elected Members of Parliament will soon find out, the function of an MP is manifold. Duties range from committee service, policy debating, oversight, and even embarking on international study trips.

People's Assembly has sampled the last five calendar years (2009-2013) of Parliament, and brought you a breakdown of ...

Infographic: ANC announces list of candidates for committee chairpersons

The ANC announced its list of candidates for committee chairpersons yesterday (the NCOP candidates were not announced).

According to the ruling party “all these appointees bring to their respective posts the leadership skills, political experience and technical know-how necessary for the effective administration of the institution's oversight function during this ...

Will PCs be clustered or will they mirror departments?

Last week the Rules Committee created a sub committee to discuss clustering / reducing the number of portfolio committees as a means of coping with oversight over an enlarged Executive. They met yesterday and voted to maintain the status quo i.e. that Portfolio Committees (PCs) would continue to mirror cabinet ...

Cabinet changes and their impact on Parliament

President Jacob Zuma announced his Cabinet on Sunday evening, 25 May, and much has been said about the appointments and omissions, and how this would affect the respective ministries. One issue that has been overlooked is what impact the new cabinet will have on Parliament and its committees.

Aside from ...

The electoral system: Is there vice or virtue in reform?

Ebrahim Fakir

With South Africa’s 2014 elections done and dusted, it’s an appropriate time to consider serious electoral reform or, at the bare minimum, to introduce a base threshold of support that parties must receive if the pure proportional representation system is to be retained. It is almost intolerable that ...

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