The Week Ahead: Food Security, Expropriation Bill, UIF Bill & Marikana

It’s still early days and Parliament is not yet firing on all cylinders. There are no sittings scheduled in the main chambers and only a handful of meetings planned for the committee corridor. Nonetheless, there is still scope for headline-grabbing and party battles in this week's parliamentary agenda, with food ...

The Week Ahead: Farewells, loose ends and tussles

The constituency period beckons, with MPs due to depart at the end of the week and return to Parliament next year. But a fair amount of heavy-duty business will be done before they go.

It's a big week in the NA chamber with MPs scheduled to sit for long hours ...

The Week Ahead: Oversight visits & committee business dominate the week

This week marks the mid-way point of the third term and the programme has a familiar pattern: lots of unglamorous legislating, oversight and scrutinising, with some set piece battles in prospect.

Fireworks are expected during the debate on the parliamentary ad hoc committee report on the Nkandla upgrades. MPs visited ...

The Week Ahead: More wrangling expected in Parliament

There is some very significant Committee action this week that will keep the legislature firmly in the spotlight. Regrettably, this means there will also be plenty of opportunity for posturing and point scoring as political parties try to attract publicity and out manoeuvre each other.

The parliamentary ad hoc committee ...

Metrorail eating away at our wallets

BY Sheilan Clarke

Metrorail (or Metrofail as commonly known among its commuters) has once again increased their tariffs despite late trains, broken seats, unnecessarily stopping in the middle of nowhere among other technical issues.

Lennit Max, Standing Committee chairman on Transport and Public Works recently said he wanted Metrorail to ...

Infographic: EPWP contribution to work opportunities 2014/15

On Tuesday, 23 June 2015, the Department of Public Works briefed the Portfolio Committee on Public Works on progress of the roll out of Phase 3 of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). According to the Department, the work opportunity targets for 2014/15 were exceeded; however, closer inspection of the ...

The Week Ahead: President and Deputy answer oral questions

Even with the Youth Day Holiday to compress the parliamentary week, the legislature has arranged a substantial programme in the main chambers, which includes ministerial statements, policy debates, oral questions and the processing of assorted bills and statutory instruments.

No surprises, President Zuma will grab the limelight when he answers ...

The Week Ahead: All eyes on the President and the EFF

On Thursday, all eyes will be fixated on President Zuma as he delivers the annual State of the Nation Address (SONA).

The speech, due to be delivered at 19:00 before a combined gathering of Parliament, cabinet, the judiciary and the public will seek to build on his previous speeches and ...

The Week Ahead: Divisions set to continue in Parliament

Parliament has been occupied with two contentious issues for the past few months. This has resulted in the souring of relations between the ruling party and most opposition parties. Constructive debate has been replaced by walkouts and threats of legal action.

With both matters set to be finalised by their ...

Infographic: Directors-General in numbers

Between 2009 and 2014, there were a total of 177 permanent and acting Directors-General (DGs) across all government departments. However, only 19 departments had their DGs complete an entire term. Acting DGs fill the vacant post when Permanent DGs resign or are dismissed. The following infographic will evaluate the relationship ...

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