Interventions since 2009: NCOP releases list

Since July 2009, the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) has reviewed and in some cases, either approved or rejected, interventions in six district municipalities, 30 local municipalities, and six provincial departments (one in the Eastern Cape and five in Limpopo), according to Parliament. Most of the interventions were as ...

Breaking down the budget: Your Minister on job creation and social spending

On Wednesday, 26 February, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan tabled the Budget in Parliament. The national budget is essentially the announcement of government’s estimated spending (dividing state coffers between the three ties of the state), borrowing and tax plans for the forthcoming three years.

Nene-Gordhan Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan has a word ...

#Fixthebudget Protest Outside Parliament


Singing, chanting slogans and waving #Fixthebudget placards,civil society advocacy groups and NGOS such as the Treatment Action (TAC) Campaign, Section 27, the Budget and Expenditure Monitoring Forum (BEMF), the Progressive Youth Movement and others, gathered outside the gates of Parliament on Tuesday, 25 February, to voice their concerns around tomorrow's ...

SONA: Zuma on Chapter 9 institutions, anti-corruption and violent service delivery protests


Early on in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) last night, President Jacob Zuma made mention of the institutions that check and balance our democracy:

“We have Chapter 9 institutions which support democracy and protect the rights of citizens. The liberations have also created space for an active civil ...

Zuma’s speech will need to strike chord with those on the burning streets

By Judith February__

This article first appeared in Eye Witness News and the Cape Times on 13 February 2014

What is the state of our nation? Recently we have seen a dramatic rise in social protest as we stand on the cusp of elections. No fewer than five protests ...

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