Should donations to political parties be regulated?

On Thursday, the Institute of Security Studies hosted a seminar about political party funding. Its invitation explains there is currently “no regulation of private funding to political parties... companies or wealthy individuals are able to donate money to political parties without any form of disclosure. This creates an environment of ...



MyVoteCounts (MVC), launched almost two years ago, is a dynamic campaign aimed at improving the accountability, transparency and inclusiveness of elections and politics in South Africa in general.

The campaign, formed by citizens and members of civil society organisations, aims to do this in two ways:

• By advocating for ...

Section 27 Article: Voters should demand the right to know political sugar-daddies

Political party funding: Who pays the Piper? Who calls the tune? by Mark Heywood

In less than four months, in compliance with our Constitution’s injunction that gives “every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution” the Independent ...

Party funding should be transparent

February 11 2014 at 10:45am

By Murray Hunter and Vinayak Bhardwaj

The front-page report in the Sunday Independent that billionaire Natie Kirsh may be the ³mystery donor² behind the failed DA-AgangSA merger has excited much interest in his alleged role as a political donor. Rightfully so.

But this is an ...

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