Twenty SONA pictures to celebrate twenty years of democracy

People’s Assembly attended the 2014 State of the Nation Address (SONA), and we’ve brought you 20 SONA pictures to celebrate 20 years of democracy. Before President Zuma’s speech commenced, political leaders and Members of Parliament walked the red carpet flaunting smiles, speaking to the media, and posing for pictures.

Zuma President Jacob Zuma, flanked by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe and Speaker of Parliament, Max Sisulu, with Chairperson of the NCOP, Mninwa Mahlangu, stand proudly while the National Anthem plays.

GoH A ceremonial military Guard of Honour performs a 21-gun salute, an international norm and the highest honour a nation can render. It is generally also given in honour of the Head of State.

NAentrance Security and military officials prepare for the President’s arrival.

Media Members of Parliament and government officials answer questions from the media as they make their way to the National Assembly.

malusi Minister for Public Enterprises, Hon Malusi Gigaba, attends the SONA dressed as a pilot.

dresses Invited guests and Members of Parliament show off their outfits as they walk the red carpet.

De Lille Cape Town Mayor, Patricia De Lille, poses with leader of the DA in the Johannesburg City Council, Mmusi Maimane.

Meshoe President of the ACDP Kenneth Meshoe and his wife, Lydia.

Radebe Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Jeff Radebe, with his wife Bridgette.

Zille Premier of the Western cape, Helen Zille, makes her way down the red carpet to the National Assembly where President Zuma is about to address the nation.

Mandla ANC MP and grandson of Madiba, Mandla Mandela, poses for pictures outside the National Assembly.

Borman ANC MP, Gloria Borman, in traditional African dress speaks to the media.

choir The choir performs and entertains guests as they make their way into the National Assembly Chamber.

NatAssembly Members gathering in the National Assembly Chamber moments before the President makes his speech. The chamber is decked out in recently upgraded audio and information system technology.

Hats Colourful hats made a splash at this years State of the Nation Address.

Manuel Minister in the Presidency in charge of the National Planning Commission, Trevor Manuel, answers questions posed by the media after the President finishes his speech.

Singh Member of the IFP, Hon Narend Singh, gives his views on the State of the Nation Address.

Blade Comedic act (puppet) Chester Missing, interviews the Minister for Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande after the SONA.

Thuli Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela poses with Mlindi Mpindi, Media Coordinator at Parliament.

End of SONA As the night ends and guests have gone home or to the banquet, workers work feverishly to clean up after the evening’s events.


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