UCT/MVC Public Lecture: Kate O’Regan / Conference: A Constitutional Missing Link? Regulation of SA Political Parties


You are invited to a public lecture by Kate O'Regan at 6pm on Thursday, 27 August 2015, and an all-day conference on Friday, 28 August 2015, co-hosted by UCT Politics and Public Law Departments and My Vote Counts.

Thursday's Schedule:

Kramer Law School Lecture Theatre, UCT Law Faculty, Middle Campus

  • 17h30 for 18h00 Public Lecture by Justice Kate O’Regan: "A Constitutional Missing Link? The regulation of political parties in South Africa"

  • 18h45 – 19h30 Q & A session

  • 19h30 – 21h00 snacks and drinks will be served

Friday's Schedule:

Oliver Tambo Moot Court – UCT Law Faculty, Middle Campus

08h00 – 08h30: Registration

08h45: Welcome and introductory remarks

  • Prof. Pierre de Vos
  • Prof. Anthony Butler

Session 1 09h00 – 11h00: International perspectives on the public vs. private character of political parties (the nature of political parties under the Constitution)

Panel consisting of: Chair: Judith February (MVC)

  • Prof. Jonathan Klaaren / Firoz Cachalia (Wits)
  • Prof. Matthijs Bogaards (Jacobs University Bremen)
  • Prof Cora Hoexter (Wits)
  • Nurina Alley (Activist, MVC lawyer)

Tea: 11h00 –11h15

Session 2 11h30 – 13h00: The legal regulation of parties, elections, and campaigns.

Panel consisting of: Chair: Ebrahim Fakir

  • Prof. Joergen Elklit
  • Raenette Taljaard
  • Kgotsi Chikane (InkuluFreeHeid)

Lunch 13h00 – 14h00

Session 3

14h15 – 15h45: Transparency, accountability & the fight against corruption

Panel consisting of: Chair: David Lewis (Corruption Watch)

  • Gabriella Razzano (ODAC)
  • Michael Marchant (R2K)
  • Lindsay Ferris (Sunlight Foundation)

Tea: 15h45 – 16h00

Session 4 16h00-17h00: Wrap up session - Where to from here? (1hr)

Panel consisting of:
Chair: Anthony Butler - Pierre de Vos - Barbara Hogan

**RSVP Jonty Cogger at jontycogger@gmail.com. Queries: Judith February 083 453 9817


This public lecture and conference was made possible by the generous funding of the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the Claude Leon Foundation.


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