The Week Ahead: Budget Vote Debates - Round Two

It’s the second of week of budget debates in the National Assembly and the frenetic pace of committee meetings and mini-plenary sessions continue.

On Tuesday, the Ministers of Trade and Industry, Police and Finance will take to the podium to present their budgets. Their colleagues in the Basic Education and Labour portfolios will get their turn on Wednesday followed by Social Development and Public Enterprises on Thursday. The week will round off with the Ministers of Communication and Water and Sanitation delivering their speeches on Friday (See below for full list).

So far, the proceedings have followed a familiar pattern – some interesting announcements (but not much detail), a focus on radical economic transformation by the ANC, plenty of sniping and bickering, and accusations by the opposition that the government is failing to deliver on its promises. Click here to read all the budget vote speeches and responses.

Meanwhile, the NCOP is back to normal after a week-long oversight visit to the Free State as part of the Taking Parliament to the People programme. The main chamber has scheduled a broad programme, which includes policy debates and the processing of assorted bills and reports.

Elsewhere, there is some very significant action this week in the committee corridor. Here is a run down of the highlights:

On Tuesday, NCOP Committee of Chairpersons will be briefed by the Auditor-General of South Africa on the Municipal Audit Outcomes 2015/16.

Also on the same day, lawmakers will hear from the Anti-Corruption Task Team (ACTT) on pending cases, the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services on the ICT White Paper Policy, Department of Social Development on its plans for implementation of the Early Childhood Development Grant, Department of Water and Sanitation on the Bucket Eradication Programme and the Department of Basic Education on Learner Transport Policy.

On Wednesday, legislators will get inputs from National Treasury on the proposed policy and the measure(s) to be legislated for debt relief.

In addition, National Treasury and the Department of Trade and Industry will give their responses to submissions received during hearings on the Transformation in the Financial Sector and a meeting is scheduled with the Department of Health on its strategies in dealing with obesity and non-communicable diseases.

On Thursday, the Secretary to Parliament will brief the Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament about the Legislature's fourth quarter performance for 2016/2017.

In between, there will be some detailed law-making, with MPs considering and deliberating on the following Bills: Films and Publications Amendment Bill [B37-2015]; Plant Improvement Bill [B8B – 2015]; Plant Breeders’ Rights Bill [B11B-2015]; Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill; 2017 Appropriation Bill and Traditional and Khoi San Leadership Bill [B23-2015].

See the full meeting list schedule here.

See the full budget debate schedule below: *Note that Programme is subject to change without prior notification.

TUESDAY, 23 MAY: 14:00 – ±16:00 Debate on Vote 34: Trade and Industry (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 33: Tourism (OAC) Debate on Vote 7: National Treasury (E249) 16:15 – ±18:15 Debate on Vote 35: Transport (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 23 & 20: Police & Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) (OAC) Debate on Vote 37: Arts and Culture (E249)

WEDNESDAY, 24 MAY 14:00 – ±16:00 Debate on Vote 24: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 14: Basic Education (OAC) Debate on Vote 32: Telecommunications and Postal Services (E249) 16:15 – ±18:15 Debate on Vote 28: Labour (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 10: Public Service and Administration (OAC) Debate on Vote 13: Women (E249)

THURSDAY, 25 MAY 14:00 – ±16:00 Debate on Vote 19: Defence and Military Veterans (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 9: Public Enterprises (OAC) Debate on Vote 6: International Relations and Cooperation (E249) 16:15 – ±18:15 Debate on Vote 25: Economic Development (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 17: Social Development (OAC) Debate on Vote 27: Environmental Affairs (E249)

FRIDAY, 26 MAY 0:00 – ±12:00 Debate on Vote 40: Sport and Recreation South Africa (NA Chamber) Debate on Vote 36: Water and Sanitation (OAC) Debate on Vote 3: Communications (E249)

TUESDAY, 30 MAY 14:00 –±18:30 Plenary - Debate on Vote 2: Parliament (215) (p) WEDNESDAY, 31 MAY: 14:00 –±20:00 Plenary - Debate on Vote 1: Presidency (266) (p) THURSDAY, 1 JUNE: 14:00 Plenary - Resumption of debate on Vote 1: The Presidency (Reply by President) (p)


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