The week ahead: What's happening in Parliament?

Parliament is back in session and the main source of parliamentary action this week will be the election of chairpersons for National Assembly committees following the publication of committee memberships last Friday. Even though the ANC announced its list of candidates for committee chairpersons a few weeks ago, these appointees still need to be formally elected in terms of the National Assembly Rules (rule 129). Following the President’s State of the Nation Address, Premiers from seven provinces will deliver their State of the Province Addresses this week.

The State of the Province Address is a localised version of the State of the Nation Address where Premiers reflect on and highlight their achievements as well as outline their programme of action for the upcoming five years. This is also the final full week for activities relating to Youth Month with the parliamentary debates being the highlight. Read here for more information about key issues affecting young people as well as what opportunities government has created for them.

On Tuesday, 18 parliamentary committees will elect chairpersons. Both the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces have some administrative duties to attend to; these include electing Members of the Pan-African Parliament, as well as designating representatives for the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum, Judicial Service Commission and the Magistrates Commission. The highlight of proceedings in both Houses on this day is the debate on Youth Day. The debate has been titled “20 years of democracy: Together advancing Youth Development and Empowerment”.

On Wednesday, another 18 parliamentary committees will elect chairpersons. National Assembly Members will begin their two-day budget training workshop.

On Thursday, Limpopo, Northern Cape, Free State and KZN's State of the Province addresses will take place.

On Friday, the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga & North West State of the Province addresses will take place.

Read our previous blog post on the role of committee chairpersons as well as the gender and experience breakdown of the ANC's list of appointees to these post.


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