Infographic: Women in senior management positions

The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) presented an assessment on how the public service is performing in terms of women in senior management service (SMS) positions on 15 March 2016. The Department showed that at September 2015 there were 9 976 filled senior management positions of which 40.6% were filled by women. Women with disabilities occupy 39 positions at senior level and while youth (persons aged below 35 years) constitute just 5% of the total, young women at this level are more (51%) than men (49%).

Gauteng has the most (44.7%) female representation at senior management level, while the North West (36.1%), Mpumalanga (36%), Northern Cape (35.7%) and the Free State (34%) are struggling to meet the 50% target. National departments are at 41.5% female senior level representation. DPSA noted that although there are a healthy number of women represented at levels 13 and 14 (Director and Chief Director level), not many women advanced to level 16 which is the level at which Cabinet makes appointments. Women constitute just 28% of level 16 positions and this representation has remained persistently low over the years.

Of the 156 departments (national and provincial), only 21 (13%) meet the 50% senior female representation target, while 23 departments sit below 30% senior female representation. Of the 21 compliant departments, only 6 are national departments.

Access the full meeting report here and see infographic below for more on how the public service is represented by women in senior management positions:



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