Order! I wish to thank parties for advising the Table Staff on which votes they will make declarations, on which they will record their objections and on which they intend dividing. This information will greatly assist the process this afternoon.
I will put each Vote and ask parties for Declarations of Vote as they have indicated. Members may make Declarations of Vote from the floor microphones if they so wish. After this I will put the Vote for decision.
I have been advised that by agreement declarations will be limited to two minutes each. The bells will be rung for five minutes for the Division on a Vote but for only one minute on subsequent divisions.
Vote No 1 - Presidency - put and agreed to.
Vote No 2 - Parliament - put.
Declaration of vote:
Chairperson, we will be supporting this Vote but we would call on Madam Speaker to ensure that a number of issues are sorted out during the course of this year: That the Parliamentary Oversight Authority starts meeting on a regular basis; that we have a situation where the administration of Parliament is sorted out once and for all; that Madam Speaker herself leads the way and holds discussions with Minister Trevor Manuel with regard to members' pensions and really gets this sorted out once and for all; and possibly to look at sorting out the issue of Mrs Mars' laptop. I think we really and truly have to make a last plea to Madam Speaker to ensure that Mrs Mars has a replacement for her laptop within a month.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 3 Foreign Affairs - put.
Declaration of vote:
Mr Chairman, we indicated to the Table Staff that we would not be making a declaration on this Vote.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance dissenting).
Vote No 4 - Home Affairs - put.
Declarations of vote:
Chairperson, the Department of Home Affairs has pride of place as one of government's most dysfunctional departments. Qualified audits and disclaimers have been the order of the day as a result of continuous poor financial management practices and recurring noncompliance with the PFMA.
The forensic audits conducted on the FPB, the GPW and the immigration process at the department are damning and the outcomes of other forensic investigations into alleged fraudulent and corrupt activities within the department are awaited. Information on the amounts owing to the GPW by other departments is not forthcoming and we suspect the reason is inaction on the part of the department with regard to recovery and that these debts have become prescribed, as is the case with airline penalties amounting to about R17 million.
The department has underspent its budget by 7,3%, had unauthorised expenditure of R15 million and irregular expenditure of R19 million. In addition, money is constantly being spent on the Hanis Project with no definitive results to date.
These are just some of the reasons why the Democratic Alliance will not support the budget of the Department of Home Affairs.
Chairperson, whilst the UDM will support this Budget Vote, it is necessary to express our deep concern regarding the longstanding problems within the department.
Home Affairs has been on a downward spiral for more than a decade now. It is riddled with corruption and has become notorious for terrible service and long queues. We know that new plans have been announced and we eagerly await reports of drastic improvement. But previous promises of dramatic turnarounds have only led to disappointment.
Another matter that is of concern is the amount of taxpayers` money already spent and being spent on the Hanis Project. The dangers of such a large and sensitive project being developed within a department that has been infiltrated by organised crime cannot be overstated. It would be best to completely halt projects such as this until corruption has been eradicated.
Chairperson, the ACDP has noted that notwithstanding the severe challenges facing this department, projected underspending amounts to R206 million due, inter alia, to the slow filling of vacant posts as well as delays in tendering by the Department of Public Works.
A glaring weakness in the department identified previously and confirmed by the intervention task team, was the lack of internal monitoring, particularly in the finance section of the Department of Home Affairs. The challenges, as pointed out by the audit committee, relate to late capturing of source documentation, the department of Revenue and clearance of suspense accounts.
These deficiencies resulted in a qualified Auditor General's report with unauthorised expenditure not being condoned by National Treasury.
Other key challenges faced by the department relate to the need to find a balance between fast-tracking citizen registration and ensuring the integrity of South African citizenship. Anecdotes abound of citizens struggling for years to obtain identity documents. This indicates serious service delivery problems and results in those citizens not being able to access social services, in particular
The ACDP trusts that the turnaround strategy will succeed and we look forward to an unqualified clean bill of health from the Auditor-General in years to come.
However, in view of the serious shortcomings in the department, the ACDP will not support this Budget Vote.
Chairperson, the ANC supports Budget Vote No 4 because of the appointment of the DG and the skills task teams that are working hard with the Ministry to change the department and we are confident that these programmes will be successfully implemented by the task teams.
Another thing that we need to remember is that the Department of Home Affairs has been under the leadership of an ANC Minister for only three years. It is too short a time for the ANC to change the problems that are in that department. We are confident that with the appointment of all the task teams that are there, there will be change in the department and hopefully that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. [Applause.]
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, African Christian Democratic Party, Independent Democrats, Freedom Front Plus and United Party of South Africa dissenting).
Vote No 5 - Provincial and Local Government - put.
Declarations of vote:
Chairperson, your information is not correct, sir. We will not be asking for a Declaration of Vote.
Chairperson, there's a serious outcry from all corners of our country that our people are in need of much-needed services to be delivered. This does not seem to be forthcoming. Unrest and disruption of people's lives are the order of the day as government seems to be slow in addressing these urgent needs.
Mismanagement, corruption and the payment of performance bonuses to underperforming municipal managers are not contributing to stabilising our communities. Therefore the ACDP does not see fit to support this Vote. Thank you.
Chair, the UDM supports the Vote, but it is imperative that we make this declaration. There are communities in Limpopo, in Port St Johns and in Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape, who are under pressure from local governments to pay property rates and other taxes. We view this as an unjust bureaucratic action that will only place greater pressure on the tenuous household incomes of very poor people.
The application of property rate taxation in the rural areas should be put on hold until such time as the issues of title deeds and land tenure are resolved. The bitter irony regarding these communities is that they are expected to pay rates to local governments that provide them with little or no services or infrastructure. Yet in towns and cities government has subsidised and is constantly developing and/or upgrading infrastructure.
Does this imply that rural people must pay first before they get services and infrastructure, even though they've built their homes from their own pockets? Instead of the service delivery due to these communities, it is the other way round. I thank you.
Chairperson, the ANC supports the budget. It is as a result of the centrality of local government and because of its capacity that South Africa as a country has been chosen to host the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
Baye bathi: "Zikhonkotha ehambayo." [Controversy dogs those who have achieved successes.]
There are features that demonstrate the statement. One is that local government has put a programme in place that mainstreams hands-on support, as was demonstrated by Project Consolidate.
Furthermore, we are aware in this country that in the past there was no municipal governance until such time as the ANC-led government put in place a municipal system that inculcated a culture of performance management.
Through the Municipal Finance Management Act, today even the opposition can talk about transparency in terms of the ills within the system. Local government has refined and strengthened policies, as well as the regulatory regime, as demonstrated within the fiscal environment through the FFC's recommendations that are responded to, and more so in terms of the expansionary budget that was announced by the President, which is directed, in line with the RDP, towards the needy. I thank you.
Agb Voorsitter, op 'n punt van orde: Ek wil net van u verneem of daar vandag een of ander administratiewe fout is. Die VF Plus het ook sy lyste ingedien. Ek verneem net graag van u die ordereling: Gaan u vir ander partye ook 'n geleentheid gee of gaan u streng volgens die lyste wat ingedien is? (Translation of Afrikaans paragraph follows.)
[Mr P J GROENEWALD: Hon Chairperson, on a point of order: I just want to know from you whether there is some or other administrative error today. The FF Plus has also submitted its lists. I would like you to clarify the ruling. Will you allow other parties an opportunity as well, or will you be guided strictly by the lists that have been submitted?]
You can put up your hand or indicate on the screen; we will accommodate you.
Dankie, Voorsitter. Dan vra ek vir 'n geleentheid om oor hierdie begrotingspos te praat.
Die VF Plus sal nie hierdie begrotingspos ondersteun nie. Ek het in verskeie debatte wat gevoer is in hierdie Parlement spesifiek verwys na die nuwe eiendomsbelastingwet. Daar is verskeie plekke in die land waar stadsrade nou misbruik maak van die nuwe eiendomsbelastingwet en dit as 'n geldmaakinstrument gebruik. Belasting op eiendomme styg geweldig. Daar is byvoorbeeld die geval van Belfast waar dit met 'n enorme 800% gestyg het.
Ek het vir die agb Minister daarop gewys dat die nasionale wetgewing hom die bevoegdheid gee om 'n maksimum koers te bepaal. Hy doen dit egter nie. Dit lyk dan daardeur of die agb Minister dit ondersteun dat stadsrade buitengewoon ho belasting begin hef op eiendom. Dit is nie vir die VF Plus aanvaarbaar nie. Inteendeel, dit gaan beslis die ekonomie op die lange duur skaad, as ons buitengewone belasting op ons eiendom moet betaal. (Translation of Afrikaans paragraphs follows.)
[Mr P J GROENEWALD: Thank you, Chairperson. In that case I request an opportunity to respond to this Vote.
The FF Plus will not support this Vote. I have, in several debates engaged in by this Parliament, specifically referred to the new Municipal Property Tax Act. There are several areas in the country where city councils are now abusing the new Municipal Property Tax Act by using it as a money-making mechanism. Taxes on property are increasing at a tremendous rate. For example, there is the case of Belfast, where property taxes have increased by an enormous 800%.
I have pointed out to the hon Minister that national legislation gives him the power to determine a maximum rate. He is not doing that, however. This creates the impression that the hon Minister supports the practice of city councils levying exceptionally high taxes on properties. That is not acceptable to the FF Plus. On the contrary, it will definitely cause damage to the economy in the long term if we have to pay exceptionally high taxes on our property.]
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, African Christian Democratic Party and Freedom Front Plus dissenting)
Vote No 6 - Public Works - put.
Declarations of vote:
Chairperson, the ID supports this Budget Vote. However, we must declare our concern over the lack of progress in making public buildings accessible for people with disabilities. Our courts, hospitals and schools remain, in the vast majority of cases, inaccessible, particularly for people with mobility impairments as well as those with sensory impediments.
In a recent court judgement handed down in the Equality Court in Port Elizabeth against the Minister for Public Works and the Minister of Safety and Security, it was found that the respondents infringed on numerous constitutional rights such as equality and dignity. We call on the Minister for Public Works to address these very serious concerns and be proactive rather than reactive to the needs of people with disabilities. I thank you.
Chairperson, the ACDP supports this Budget Vote and welcomes the plans it intends to put in place, as well as the increases in the maintenance budget. The condition of buildings and the maintenance plans must be used as a means to create long-term job opportunities for the unemployed and the unskilled.
In conjunction with Asgisa, which does place maintenance very high on the development agenda and on the department's strategy and national infrastructure maintenance plan, the South African economy should get a well-deserved boost, especially in the second economy where it is needed most. Opportunities to develop skills among the unskilled citizens will definitely benefit the economy of our country in the long term. Thank you.
Chairperson, the ANC supports this Budget Vote. We, however, would like to raise areas of concern around the assets and asset management of the department, as well as the leases. We think that much needs to be done around this process and we hope that the Minister, as she promised, is going to live up to this challenge.
Also, on the challenge around the EPWP, as the portfolio committee we commend the strides that have been taken by the Deputy President and the Minister in terms of engaging the National Youth Services. I think this is also going to address the challenge of the unemployed youth.
There is also a challenge around the strengthening and monitoring of intergovernmental and interdepartmental relations. I think these also need to be strengthened around infrastructural service delivery.
I think there is also a challenge around the Construction Seta. We hope that the Minister, most probably in collaboration with the Minister of Labour, is going to address the challenge around this Seta.
We are also proud to say that at least with the leadership of the current Minister, this department is moving and she has shown us that she is so courageous and she has a vision. I thank you.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 7 - Government Communications and Information System - put and agreed to (Democratic Alliance dissenting).
Vote No 8 - National Treasury - put and agreed to.
Vote No 9 - Public Service and Administration - put.
Declarations of vote:
Chairperson, we will support the Budget Vote but it would be remiss of us if we failed to point out that the current round of salary negotiations for the Public Service was poorly managed by the government. It must have been patently clear from the outset that the original offer was insufficient and downright miserly and that consequently it would be rejected outright by the representatives of the employees. Government should have made a better offer from the outset. Instead, we have seen the country being plunged into an unnecessary and costly strike action that could have been avoided.
It is worth remembering that every reasonable taxpayer agrees that our teachers and nurses are receiving pittances and would happily endorse paying them better. I thank you.
Chairperson, while we should be talking of accelerated service delivery, existing services are grinding to a halt. The ACDP is concerned that the department that serves as one of the country's main arteries is itself largely responsible for the present national disruptions. Service delivery is dependent on a well-trained and competent public service, but regrettably a skills deficit has been in the making for some time now.
While government has experimented with questionable policies in the name of accelerated transformation, they have also ignored the reality that market- related salaries are imperative in order to retain and attract the necessary skills. The delays have taken their toll.
In addition, government has created a monster, as inflexible labour laws encourage and protect those who abuse their employed status, but this cannot be used as an excuse to penalise those who are dedicated and committed to delivering excellence. We must deal with the problem and not the symptom.
Whilst the ACDP calls on educators and those providing essential and emergency services, who have the sympathy of the vast majority of South Africans, to act responsibly and not make the public and their children pay for government's short-sightedness, it also expects the hon Minister to make urgent and adequate interventions to address the widespread dissatisfaction in the Public Service.
Government's handling of this situation is in serious question. The ACDP will not support this Budget Vote. Thank you.
Voorsitter, hoewel die VF Plus hierdie begrotingspos ondersteun, wil ons graag in di stadium die Huis meedeel dat ons met ernstige kommer kennis geneem het van die feit dat verskeie staatsamptenare wat nie aan die afgelope staking deelgeneem het nie, nog nie hul salarisse ontvang het nie.
Ons het minstens drie voorbeelde van onderwysers in Pretoria wat dit aan hul eie sak gevoel het toe hulle 'n salaris van slegs R180,00 ontvang het, terwyl hulle net op die eerste dag van die skool weggebly het. Hoewel ons die begrotingspos steun, sal ons baie graag wil sien dat die regering sy stelsels in orde kry en dat hierdie saak so gou as moontlik uitgesorteer word. Ek dank u. (Translation of Afrikaans declaration of vote follows.)
[Mr W D SPIES: Chairperson, although the FF Plus supports this Vote, we would, at this stage, like to inform the House that we have noted, with serious concern, the fact that several public servants who did not participate in the recent strike, have still not received their salaries.
We have at least three examples of teachers in Pretoria who felt the pinch when they received salaries of only R180,00, while they only stayed away on the first day of school. Though we support the Vote, we would very much like to see government getting its systems in order and for this matter to be resolved as soon as possible. I thank you.]
Vote agreed to (African Christian Democratic Party and Independent Democrats dissenting). Vote No 10 - Public Service Commission - put and agreed to.
Vote No 11 - South African Management Development Institute - put and agreed to.
Vote No 12 - Statistics Soth Africa - put and agreed to.
Vote No 13 - Arts and Culture - put.
Declarations of vote:
Serious weaknesses exist in the department regarding asset control and supply chain management.
Die ho getal vakante poste wat daar tans is, bemoeilik die implementering van die begroting op die Tafel. Slegs vyf van die 25 entiteite wat tans aan die departement verslag doen, het skoon ouditverslae van die OG ontvang. Ons glo aan die behoorlike monitering van di entiteite om te verseker dat hulle doeltreffend en kostedoeltreffend bestuur word.
Minister, ons wil almal deel wees van 'n wenspan. Ek het verlede jaar hier gestaan en ges dat ek hoop ons gaan vanjaar die begrotingspos steun. Maar dit is baie moeilik om die begrotingspos te steun as die departement eers n die begrotingsdebat kom en dan al die antwoorde op die tafel plaas. In die omstandighede kan ons dus nie vanjaar die begrotingspos steun nie, en ons daag die departement, tesame met die Minister, uit om dit volgende jaar behoorlik te doen sodat ons kan saamstem. Dankie. (Translation of Afrikaans paragraphs follows.)
[The current high number of vacant posts is impeding the implementation of the budget on the Table. Only five of the 25 entities that are reporting to the department at present have received unqualified audit reports from the Auditor General. We believe that these entities should be monitored properly so as to ensure that they are managed in an efficient and cost- effective manner.
Minister, we all want to be part of a winning team. Last year, I stood here and said that I hoped that we would be supporting the Vote this year. But it is very difficult to support the Vote when the department only tables all the answers after the budget has been debated.
Under the circumstances, we therefore cannot support the Vote this year and we challenge the department, together with the Minister, to do better next year so that we can agree. Thank you.]
Agb Voorsitter, die hele kwessie van naamsveranderings val onder hierdie departement. In di stadium is daar heelwat verwarring in die land oor presies hoe dit gehanteer word.
Die Potchefstroomse munisipaliteit het aangekondig dat hy mreoggend 'n groot vergadering gaan rel om 'n belangrike aankondiging te maak oor naamsverandering. Wat dit behels, weet ons nie, en dit raak die departement nie direk nie, want dit val nie direk daaronder nie. Myns insiens is die departement wel oorkoepelend daar om te sorg dat dit ordelik geskied.
Die VF Plus is bekommerd daaroor dat dit tot op hierdie stadium op 'n ad hoc-basis van punt tot punt geskied sonder dat die nodige oorlegpleging gedoen word. As daar mre 'n aankondiging van die stadsraad kom, is dit weer eens waarskynlik verkeerd omdat die korrekte prosesse nie gevolg is nie.
Omdat die departement nog nie finale besluite geneem het nie, gaan die VF Plus nie teen die begroting stem nie, maar ons wil wel hierdie saak onder u aandag bring, want ons glo dit het die potensiaal om in die toekoms groot probleme te veroorsaak. (Translation of Afrikaans declaration of vote follows.)
Hon chairperson, the entire issue of name changes falls under this department. At this stage, there is quite a lot of confusion in the country over precisely how this should be dealt with. The Municipality of Potchefstroom has announced that it is going to arrange a huge meeting tomorrow morning in order to make an important announcement about name changes. We do not know what this is all about, and it does not affect the department directly, as it does not fall directly under the department. In my opinion, the department in fact has an overarching role to play in ensuring that this takes place in an orderly manner.
The FF Plus is concerned that, to date, this has taken place on an ad hoc basis from point to point without the necessary consultation having taken place. If the city council makes an announcement tomorrow, it will once again probably be wrong because the correct procedures were not followed.
As the department has not yet made any final decisions, the FF Plus will not vote against the budget, but we do want to draw your attention to this matter, because we believe it has the potential to cause big problems in the future.]
Chair, it is a pity that we are dealing with people that are bitter, and when you are bitter you plug your ears and sometimes close your eyes. The DA has deliberately plugged its ears and closed its eyes. You know that the department came to the portfolio committee, and I'm not going to respond to people who are not part of the portfolio committee, because they are just howling. The department did not say that they do not have challenges; they are addressing the challenges.
The issue that you are talking about, hon Van der Walt, of the department presenting today, you knew about long ago. We were holding public hearings before the Budget Votes. So, I'm not going to answer all the questions ...
Order! Hon member, your two minutes have expired.
The ANC supports Budget Vote No 13.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance and United Party of South Africa dissenting).
Vote No 14 - Education - put.
Declarations of vote:
Chair, the ACDP believes that the future of our country is dependent, to a large degree, on the skills of our people and the strength of our education system. Therefore, we will support this Vote.
The ACDP places on record that we do not support extended teacher and learner boycotts, which effectively hold the education and future of learners to ransom. At the same time we do expect government to play its role in ensuring that educators are adequately remunerated.
We recognise that a vibrant higher education sector is crucial to economic development. We support the significant subsidisation of higher education institutions and an increase in the Student Financial Aid Scheme.
We acknowledge, however, that there are still too many children being disadvantaged because of failing or underachieving schools. We, in the ACDP, are of the opinion that if we want to see these results change, we need a more intense focus on literacy and numeracy lessons, improved teacher-pupil ratios and increased training and pay for teachers.
The ACDP would like to see a greater move towards investing in intra and extramural activities such as dance, drama, music, sport, languages, etc, through the development of extended schools. Communities can provide a range of family and learning services.
Adult education could benefit from these hubs of family learning too, especially if programmes offered have greater relevance. Abet appears to have pretty much failed to date, and a much-needed review, with a view to improving access, retention and throughput rates, is overdue. The need to raise levels of adult literacy and numeracy is critical, but a more creative approach is necessary.
Special education needs are still not being adequately provided for and the ACDP adds its voice to calls for government to ensure that every child has the opportunity to fulfil his or her potential. The need for both special schools and mainstream schools to be made available and to be suitably resourced is urgent. Yet the budget does not appear to address this adequately. I thank you. [Time expired.]
Chairperson, whilst the IFP will support Vote No 14 - Education, we remain deeply concerned about the ever-widening gap between the policy and its implementation. In this instance we would appeal to the department to strengthen its monitoring mechanisms and not to rely on the provincial monthly reports only, which, most of the time, contain figures that are not credible at all.
For instance, it is not credible, as is indicated in the report, that Limpopo province only has about nine schools without toilets. It is certainly not credible to read in the report that KwaZulu-Natal only has six schools without toilets. It is for these reasons that we appeal to the department to pay more attention to the monitoring mechanisms and not to rely on these reports. I thank you.
Agb Voorsitter, ek het gister met 'n vooraanstaande ekonoom gesels wat vir my ges het dat Suid-Afrika di land in die wreld is wat die meeste op onderwys spandeer, maar ook di land is met die swakste gepaardgaande resultate. Di syfers dui vir my op 'n fundamentele probleem in die onderwys en ek dink nie ons het di probleem al aangepak nie.
Die Vryheidsfront Plus se standpunt is eenvoudig dat solank ons nie 'n punt bereik waar ouers en onderwysers en ouergemeenskappe weer in beheer van onderwys geplaas word nie, ons nie die begroting sal kan steun nie. Baie dankie. (Translation of Afrikaans declaration of vote follows.)
[Mr W D SPIES: Hon Chairperson, I spoke to a leading economist yesterday who told me that South Africa is the country in the world with the highest expenditure on education, but also the country with the worst accompanying results. These figures point to a fundamental problem in education and I do not think that we have addressed this problem yet.
The FF Plus's view is simply that until we have reached a point where parents, teachers and communities are placed in charge of education once again, we will not be able to support the budget. Thank you very much.]
Chairperson, the ANC not only supports but is also very excited about this budget, because it addresses the very issues that members of the opposition are referring to.
An amount of R2 billion has been set aside to address illiteracy. There is a needs project relating to monitoring. As much as 40% has been set aside for Early Childhood Development, ECD; R850 million has been set aside for Abet over the MTEF period; R700 million has been set aside for our teachers for the next three years; R600 million has been set aside for FET colleges; R2 billion has been set aside for infrastructure in higher education institutions.
The budget has increased by 11% for the provinces and by 12% for higher education, which is meant to address all these issues that are being tabled today. Thank you, sir.
Division demanded.
The House divided:
AYES - 256: Abram, S; Anthony, T G; Arendse, J D; Asiya, S E; Balfour, B M N; Baloyi, M R; Bapela, K O; Batyi, F; Bekker, H J; Bhamjee, Y S; Bhengu, F; Bhengu, M J; Bhengu, P; Bhoola, R B; Bici, J; Biyela, B P ; Bloem, D V; Bogopane-Zulu, H I; Bonhomme, T J; Botha, N G W; Burgess, C V; Buthelezi, M G; Cele, M A; Chalmers, J; Chang, E S; Chikunga, L S; Chohan-Khota, F I; Combrinck, J J; Cronin, J P; Cupido, H B ; Cwele, S C; Dambuza, B N; Daniels, P; Davies, R H; De Lange, J H; Diale, L N; Dikgacwi, M M; Direko, I W; Dithebe, S L; Ditshetelo, P H K; Dlali, D M; Du Toit, D C ; Dudley, C; Fihla, N B; Frolick, C T; Fubbs, J L; Gabanakgosi, P S; Gaum, A H; Gcwabaza, N E ; George, M E; Gerber, P A; Gigaba, K M N; Godi, N T; Gololo, C L; Gomomo, P J; Gore, V C; Greyling, C H F; Greyling, L W; Gumede, D M; Gxowa, N B; Hanekom, D A ; Hangana, N E; Hendricks, L B; Hendrickse, P A C; Holomisa, S P; Jeffery, J H; Johnson, M; Jordan, Z P; Kalako, M U; Kasienyane, O R; Kasrils, R; Kekana, C D; Kganyago, N M; Khoarai, L P; Kholwane, S E; Khumalo, K K; Khumalo, K M; Khunou, N P; Komphela, B M; Kondlo, N C; Kotwal, Z; Landers, L T; Lebenya, P; Lekgetho, G; Lekota, M G P; Lishivha, T E; Louw, J T; Louw, S K; Ludwabe, C I; Maake, J J; Mabe, L L; Mabena, D C; Mabudafhasi, T R; Madasa, Z L; Madella, A F; Madlala-Routledge, N C ; Maduma, L D; Magwanishe, G B; Mahlaba, T L; Mahlawe, N M; Mahote, S; Maine, M S; Maja, S J; Makasi, X C; Makgate, M W; Malahlela, M J; Maloyi, P D N; Maluleka, H P; Maluleke, D K; Manana, M N S; Manuel, T A; Mapisa- Nqakula, N N; Mars, I; Martins, B A D; Maserumule, F T; Mashangoane, P R; Mashigo, R J; Mashile, B L; Masutha, T M; Mathibela, N F; Matlala, M H; Matsemela, M L; Matsepe-Casaburri, I F; Matsomela, M J J ; Maunye, M M; Mayatula, S M; Mdladlose, M M; Mentor, M P; Meshoe, K R J; Mgabadeli, H C; Mkhize, Z S; Mkongi, B M; Mlangeni, A; Mnguni, B A; Mnyandu, B J; Moatshe, M S; Mofokeng, T R; Mogale, O M; Mogase, I D; Mohamed, I J; Mohlaloga, M R; Mokoena, A D; Molefe, C T; Moleketi, P J ; Moloto, K A; Monareng, O E; Montsitsi, S D; Moonsamy, K; Morutoa, M R; Morwamoche, K W; Mosala, B G; Moss, L N; Moss, M I; Mpahlwa, M B ; Mpontshane, A M; Mshudulu, S A; Mthembu, B; Mthethwa, E N; Mtshali, E; Nawa, Z N; Ndzanga, R A; Nefolovhodwe, P J; Nel, A C; Nene, M J ; Nene, N M; Newhoudt- Druchen, W S; Ngaleka, E; Ngcengwane, N D; Ngcobo, B T; Ngcobo, E N N; Ngcobo, N W; Ngculu, L V J; Ngele, N J; Ngwenya, M L; Ngwenya, W; Nhlengethwa, D G; Njikelana, S J ; Nkabinde, N C; Nkuna, C; Nqakula, C; Ntuli, B M; Ntuli, M M; Ntuli, R S; Nwamitwa-Shilubana, T L P; Nxumalo, M D; Nxumalo, S N ; Nyambi, A J; Nzimande, L P M; Olifant, D A A; Oliphant, G G; Oosthuizen, G C; Padayachie, R L; Pahad, E G; Pandor, G N M; Phadagi, M G; Phungula, J P; Pieterse, R D; Pule, B E; Rabinowitz, R; Radebe, B A; Radebe, J T; Rajbally, S ; Ramgobin, M; Ramodibe, D M; Ramotsamai, C P M; Rasmeni, S M; Reid, L R R; Roopnarain, U; Rwexana, S P; Saloojee, E; Schippers, J; Schneemann, G D; Schoeman, E A; Seadimo, M D; Seaton, S A; Sefularo, M; Selau, G J; Shabangu, S; Sibande, M P; Sibanyoni, J B; Siboza, S ; Sibuyana, M W; Sigcau , S N; Sisulu, L N; Skhosana, W M; Skosana, M B; Skweyiya, Z S T; Smith, V G; Solo, B M; Solomon, G; Sonjica, B P; Sonto, M R; Sosibo, J E; Sotyu, M M; Surty, M E ; Swanson-Jacobs, J; Swart, S N; Thabethe, E; Tobias, T V; Tolo, L J; Tshabalala-Msimang, M E; Tshivhase, T J; Tshwete, P; Turok, B; Vadi, I; Van den Heever, R P Z; Van der Merwe, J H; Van der Merwe, S C ; Van Wyk, A; Vos, S C; Vundisa, S S; Wang, Y; Woods, G G; Xolo, E T; Zita, L; Zulu,