Chairperson, hon members, it's clear that we want to spend a very, very long time on these discussions today, so let me make a speech and I hope to complete within the next hour or so. I so move. [Laughter.] [Applause.]
Chairperson, Minister, colleagues, the 2007 Appropriation Bill reflects our maturing policy environment and allows us to focus on building a better future.
The Appropriation Bill provides us with the resources to tackle many of the urgent issues of concern to all South Africans. The healthy position of public finances, as reflected in the positive Budget balance, allows government to invest more resources in modernising key infrastructure and public services while providing a cushion against potential shocks to the economy.
This Budget is about sharing the fruits of more rapid economic growth. Additional infrastructure spending on public transport, roads, water, sanitation, housing, schools and clinics will enable us to reshape our cities and improve the quality of life of all South Africans.
The extension of the grants system that our President referred to in his recent Budget Vote deliberations deserves special mention. The latest figures, as at March 2007, indicate that about 13,2 million people are now accessing these grants.
It is common knowledge that the volume of government service delivery is at times found to be uneven and not as effective as anticipated, while the assault on poverty remains the central political thrust of the ANC. This battle must be won.
Both the select committee and the joint budgetary committee recommend that this House approves this Appropriation Bill. Thank you.
Debate concluded.
I shall now put the question. The question is that the Bill be agreed to.
In Accordance with Rule 63, I shall first allow political parties the opportunity to make their declarations of vote, if they so wish.
Is there any party that wishes to make a declaration? There is none.
We shall now proceed to the voting on the question. Those in favour say "Aye".
Those against will say "No".
I think the "Ayes" have it.
The majority of members have voted in favour. I therefore declare the Bill agreed to in terms of section 75 of the Constitution.
Bill agreed to in accordance with section 75 of the Constitution.