Order! Hon members, as there is no speakers' list, I shall now put the Votes in the order in which they appear in the Schedule to the Bill.
Vote No 1 - The Presidency - put and agreed to.
Vote No 2 - Parliament - put and agreed to.
Vote No 3 - Foreign Affairs - put.
I just want to bring to the attention of the Chairperson that, as the Whippery of the multiparty Whips, we normally allow parties to make indications to the Schedule. I don't know whether the Schedule was brought to the attention of the presiding officer because, in terms of that, the ID has objected. I understand the ID has only one member in this House and the member is presently part of the entourage of the Chairperson on the trip abroad.
I'm not sure, but I need to be guided here, Chief Whip. If the ID do not stand and state their objection, I take it that they have agreed to the Vote.
Chair, firstly, may I just point out that the Schedule that was circulated at the multiparty Whips meeting is totally incorrect; in line with the documentation that I submitted to the Chief Whip in writing and also electronically. There are numerous errors on it. And I therefore reserve my right to vote as per my list, which I also indicated to the Chairperson.
I wrote to the Chief Whip both by hand and electronically - to inform him that there was a mistake with regard to Vote 3, that we are going to vote against it and that we want to record our objection. Would you please take that as such?
Order! Hon members, we don't need a debate on this matter. From where I sit, it is my assumption that the paper before me does not take away the right of the party, whether during lunch or yesterday or after the multiparty Whips' meeting, to dissent. That is why I went through it. Therefore, in that regard, hon Watson, the objection of the DA will be noted.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance dissenting).
Vote No 4 - Home Affairs - put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 5 - Provincial and Local Government - put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 6 - Public Works - put and agreed to.
Vote No 7 - Government Communications and Information System - put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance dissenting).
Vote No 8 - National Treasury - put and agreed to.
Vote No 9 - Public Service and Administration - put and agreed to.
Vote No 10 - Public Service Commission - put and agreed to.
Vote No 11 - SA Management Development Institute - put and agreed to.
Vote No 12 - Statistics SA - put and agreed to.
Vote No 13 - Arts and Culture - put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance dissenting).
Any further objections?
Order! Hon Watson, will you please bring to my attention any disturbances you notice in this Chamber. Two wrongs do not make a right. Did I hear you saying it's stupid?
No, Chairperson. I did not say that. I said I can't hear you because of the disturbances behind me.
You must bring that to my attention. Your point is noted.
I am doing that, sir.
Chairperson, I would really appeal to the Chair: We know heckling is allowed in the House but I think we will make this exercise very simple, convenient and less time-consuming if we do that in an orderly manner. If there is no party objecting and if we all keep quiet, then we will know that there is no objection. Unless there is a party objecting, let's allow the Chairperson to recognise that party so that we do this exercise in an orderly manner.
Hon members, we must not make heckling a disease. I think we only do that when other members are speaking. There is no debate here but there is a lot of heckling and it disturbs me because I can't hear. If I have to make a ruling on a substantive issue, I am obstructed because of the noise in the Chamber.
Vote No 14 - Education - put.
Division demanded.
May I address you on a point of order, Chairperson?
What is your point of order, hon member?
Is it in order for a member to call the DA crazy? This hon member has said we are "demo-crazy.'' [Laughter.]
Order! May I please once more plead with you, hon members, that we must not be fussy about this process. We are not doing it for the first time. It is the right of any party to raise an objection. And, it is a procedure of this House that if there is a call for a division and it is supported by a certain requisite number of members, that should be adhered to. May I please once more appeal for restraint on the part of members. Hon Ntwanambi, will you please clarify this matter?
Chairperson, I did not say the DA is crazy. I said "demo- crazy''.
Order! I will not make a ruling on that because I didn't hear it. But with due respect, hon Ntwanambi, I don't think your intervention in this regard is assisting us at all.
I have satisfied myself that all members have taken their seats. As tellers, to my right I appoint the Chief Whip of the Council and to my left I appoint hon A Watson. Tellers can now proceed with counting.
The Council divided:
AYES - 29: Adams, F; Botha, D J; Dlulane, B N; Gamede, D D; Goeieman, C M; Hendrickse, N D; Kolweni, Z S; Mack, N J; Madlala-Magubane, N M; Manyosi, A T; Masilo, J; Mazibuko, N F; Mkhaliphi, B J; Mkono, D G; Moatshe, P; Moseki, A L; Mzizi, M A; Ntwanambi, N D; Oliphant, M N; Ralane, T S; Robertson, M O; Shiceka, S; Sibiya, J M; Sogoni, E M; Sulliman, M A; Tau, R J; Themba, M P; Tolo, B J; Windvol, V V Z.
NOES - 6: Fielding L H; Le Roux, J W; Thetjeng, O M; Van Heerden, F J; Watson, A; Worth, D A. Vote accordingly agreed to (Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 15 - Health - put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 16 - Labour - put.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
AYES - 29: Adams, F; Botha, D J; Dlulane, B N; Gamede, D D; Goeieman, C M; Hendrickse, N D; Kolweni, Z S; Mack, N J; Madlala-Magubane, N M; Manyosi, A T; Masilo, J M; Mazibuko, N F; Mkhaliphi, B J; Mkono, D G; Moatshe, P; Moseki, A L; Mzizi, M A; Ntwanambi, N D; Oliphant, M N; Ralane, T S; Robertson, M O; Shiceka, S; Sibiya, J M; Sogoni, E M; Sulliman, M A; Tau, R J; Themba, M P; Tolo, B J; Windvol, V V Z.
NOES - 6: Fielding L H; Le Roux, J W; Thetjeng, O M; Van Heerden, F J; Watson, A; Worth, D A.
Vote accordingly agreed to (Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 17 - Social Development - put.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
AYES - 29: Adams, F; Botha, D J; Dlulane, B N; Gamede, D D; Goeieman, C M; Hendrickse, N D; Kolweni, Z S; Mack, N J; Madlala-Magubane, N M; Manyosi, A T; Masilo, J M; Mazibuko, N F; Mkhaliphi, B J; Mkono, D G; Moatshe, P; Moseki, A L; Mzizi, M A; Ntwanambi, N D; Oliphant, M N; Ralane, T S; Robertson, M O; Shiceka, S; Sibiya, J M; Sogoni, E M; Sulliman, M A; Tau, R J; Themba, M P; Tolo, B J; Windvol, V V Z.
NOES - 6: Fielding L H; Le Roux, J W; Thetjeng, O M; Van Heerden, F J; Watson, A; Worth, D A.
Vote accordingly agreed to (Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).