Chairperson, hon members, the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee endorsed the Nepad broadband network for Eastern and Southern Africa as a Nepad flagship project in 2003.
The project, developed under the e-Africa commission, is a project that seeks to connect African countries to them and to the rest of the world via a terrestrial and submarine network system. This project is a truly African project that collaborates between 23 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. It is a public-private partnership between the governments of the region and private African telecom companies.
The Nepad network will be governed by a set of principles, two of which I would like to mention. The first is that there shall be nondiscriminatory access. By this I mean that the cost of access to the network is the same for owners as well as nonowners and this will be irrespective of the size or wealth of the company requesting such access. The second is that all African telecommunications companies in the region will have an opportunity to invest the same amount irrespective of their wealth or their size.
A protocol was developed that would govern the network. This protocol has been adopted under the auspices of the African Union. It is this protocol, known as the Protocol on Policy and Regulatory Framework for Nepad ICT Broadband Infrastructure for Eastern and Southern Africa that I put before the House for ratification today.
The protocol provides for a common framework for the provision of cross- regional and cross-border high quality, high speed and reliable electronic communications at an affordable price to the end-user. The protocol contributes to the development and promotion of the economic, social and cultural integration of the African continent. It ensures African ownership, which will promote security over the network with minimal non- African interference. It is a private-public partnership between the governments of the region and the private African telecommunications companies, thus advancing the spirit of cohesion, partnership and working together.
After receiving presentations and engaging in discussions around the protocol, it is the committee's submission that the Protocol on Policy and Regulatory Framework for Nepad ICT Broadband Infrastructure for Eastern and Southern Africa be ratified by this august House.
I thank you. [Applause.]
Debate concluded.
Order! I shall now put the question in respect of the Ninth Order. The question is that the report be adopted.
As the decision is dealt with in terms of section 65 of the Constitution, I shall first ascertain whether all the delegation heads are present in the Chamber to cast their provinces' votes. Are all the delegation heads present? They are.
I shall now also allow provinces the opportunity to make their declaration of vote in terms of Rule 71 if they so wish. Is there any province wishing to make any declaration of vote? There is obviously none.
We shall now proceed to the voting on this question. I shall do this in alphabetical order per province. Delegation heads must please indicate to the Chair whether they vote in favour or against or abstain from voting.
IN FAVOUR: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape.
All provinces voted in favour. I therefore declare the report adopted in terms of section 65 of the Constitution.
Report accordingly adopted in accordance with section 65 of the Constitution.
Hon members, it's our last sitting today. We will be going away for a constituency period. I just want to appeal to members to behave and that I believe when you come back you will respect this House and be disciplined. Have a good constituency period.