Mr Speaker, I just want to respond to the question or statement made by the hon Greyling on the World Bank loan. I want to say that it is really painful and disappointing to have an hon member of this House indicating publicly that he wrote to the World Bank demanding that they not approve the Eskom loan, primarily because I believe that this high level of unpatriotic behaviour is an indication of the lack of care that we have in parties that are sitting in this House. [Interjections.]
I have never seen this lack of empathy for low-income-level people, our poorest of the poor, who, if we don't get the World Bank loan, will carry the brunt of the tariff, because we'll have to make sure that ... [Interjections.]
Order, hon members! Order!
We will have to make sure that we then take money from other services to be able to fund the Eskom programmes. I believe that if we really care about the very people who voted for us to be in this House, we would be able to understand why it is important that we get sponsorships as well as loans for Eskom.
I also want to indicate here that it is important that we understand that the World Bank loan is not just any ordinary loan. It is also intended to make sure that we can have renewable energy, the clean technology we are talking about, so as to make sure that we diversify our energy mix, to ensure that we can desist from an overreliance on fossil fuel.
Regarding the issue that the hon member also raised about Eskom and Hitachi, I think it is important that we understand that Eskom was going to be carrying the responsibility for these contracts irrespective of the configuration of the consortiums that have the contracts to build the Medupi power station. But I also want to indicate that the ANC ... [Time expired.] [Applause.]