(1) notes that all the Eastern Cape legislatures's portfolio committees are conducting oversight in Kouga and Koukamma Municipalitites this week 10-14 September as a forerunner to The Legislature to the People, which will take place in Humansdorp from 8 to 12 October 2012;
(2) further notes that the DA in Kouga and Koukamma welcomes the oversight visits and that we will make every effort to support the portfolio committees in their endeavour to gain ground-level information relating to each department they are responsible for politically;
a) debate the above documents and findings of The Legislature to the People of Kouga and Koukamma in the NCOP and what the provincial leadership proposes as turnaround plans for these two municipalities to turn these into financially sustainable municipalities.
(b) consider what the provincial leadership proposes as turnaround plans for these two municipalities to turn them into financially sustainable municipalities.