Hon Deputy Chair, I hereby move without notice:
That the Council -
1) notes that the provincial department of basic education in Gauteng and the schools in the province remain under constant pressure with a shortage of school infrastructure such as school buildings, classrooms, equipment, educators and the like. Some schools had to convert their staffrooms into classrooms to accommodate the growing number of learners;
2) further notes that such shortages are caused as a result of enrolment constantly increasing at schools as a result of families relocating to certain school catchment areas and otherwise mainly because of consistently high levels of migration to the province; and
3) notes that the provincial department of education will, among others, provide further or additional classrooms at 93 of the schools in the current financial year and commends the department in its efforts to ensure that learners are not deprived of the right to attend a school nearest to their homes.
Motion agreed to in accordance with section 65 of the Constitution.
Hon Chairperson, I move without notice on behalf of the