House Chairperson, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that on 12 March 2013, Durban North schoolboy Jordan Smith's life changed forever;
2) further notes that Jordan was told the dreadful news that he had cancer, and that the chances of his fulfilling his dream of becoming a professional rugby player were very slim;
3) also notes that on 9 March 2015, Jordan Smith unfortunately lost his battle and passed away at the age of 12;
4) recalls that "Jordan's Journey", as it became known among social media groups, documented the incredible journey of a brave young boy battling the odds to beat cancer;
5) further recalls that his journey touched the lives of thousands of people in South Africa;
6) extends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Jordan Smith and hopes that the family finds some comfort in knowing that Jordan's story touched the lives of so many young children in South Africa; and
7) calls on the Minister of Health to take the issue of cancer research seriously and redouble our efforts in fighting this dreaded disease so that we do not have to lose another Jordan in the future.
Agreed to.