Hon Chairperson, one year ago in this House the IFP tabled a motion without notice decrying the barbaric practice of canned lion hunting. We stated that Africa's wildlife, and in particular our lions, deserved the greatest possible legislative protection. We implored government to immediately denounce canned lion hunting and to amend our laws to fully protect our wildlife.
That motion was unanimously accepted and adopted by this House and yet, a year down the line, government has failed to respond in any way. The multimillion dollar industry that profits from the murder of tamed, drugged, captive lions continues to thrive in our country. Only some 3 500 lions remain in the wild in South Africa, but more than 8 000 lions languish in captivity, waiting to be killed. They are bred for the bullet.
We cannot pander to cowardly and pathetic pseudo-hunters, pretending it is good for tourism. South Africa's reputation across the world is being mauled. What kind of country exploits its heritage with such wholesale depraved cruelty? Let us sound the call again to the one who can save our lions. Minister, ban canned lion hunting! I thank you.