Hon Chairperson, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that the community of Beverley Hills, Riversdale, in the Western Cape are desperate for housing, and, like 2,1 million families in South Africa, they have been abused and defrauded by government officials whose jobs entail ensuring adequate service and the delivery of services;
2) further notes that, upon delivery, some of the community members who have been allocated houses have been required to pay at least R3 500 each before they can occupy those houses;
3) recognises that the hundreds of people affected have not only been defrauded but have been allocated substandard houses that are not safe for people to live in, where the walls have cracked, wall plastering has peeled off, doors have broken and roofs have fallen in on people while they have been sleeping;
4) further recognises that as soon as community members found out that they were not supposed to pay for RDP houses, they demanded refunds but only a portion was refunded, while over a hundred of them are still struggling to get back their money;
5) confirms that the situation faced by the community of Riversdale is not an isolated case but that many communities across the country have faced a similar dilemma;
6) further confirms that some of the people implicated have not yet been brought to book;
7) realises that continuous consultation is being held with the community and that a meeting has been requested with the local municipality to address this issue and other appalling human rights violations the community has been faced with;
8) condemns the councillors, community leaders and government officials who prey on people's desperation to move out of squalor;
9) calls on those councillors and government officials who are involved in the Riversdale scandal to pay back the money;
10) further calls on the government to create a state construction company;
11) maintains that attempts to deliver houses to the people in time have failed dismally, mainly because work that should be done by government continues to be given to corrupt private companies who do not care about the values of the people;
12) further maintains that the Parliament of South Africa is surrounded by over 660 informal settlements in this province alone, and the current housing target across the country means that it will take over 100 years for all families in the current housing database to receive houses; ...
This cannot be! I continue:
13) calls on all the communities that are faced with similar challenges to help root out corruption and report those involved, so that there can be a more satisfactory response from the government; and
14) further calls on the people whose problems have not yet been solved to contact the vanguard of the people, the mighty EFF.
Order! Are there any objections? [Interjections.] The objection has been noted. [Interjections.] Hon member Reneiloe Mashabela, take your seat. I pointed to the member behind you. [Interjections.] Is that a point of order? Oh, all right, you may proceed, hon member.
Sihlalo ngiyabonga kodwa ngizohlala phansi uma uthanda ukuthi ilungu elihloniphekile eliphambi kwami lingaqhubeka.
USIHLALO WENDLU (Nk A T Didiza): Cha, lungu elihloniphekile ungaqhubeka.
Ngiyabonga Sihlalo, ngicela ukukwazisa nawe ukuthi nginguMazambane wakwa-Lees. [Uhleko.]
USIHLALO WENDLU (Nk A T Didiza): Yebo-ke Mazambane. Ilungu elihloniphekile malibeke uvo lwalo. [Uhleko.] (Translation of isiZulu paragraphs follows.)
[Mr R A LEES: Thank you, Chairperson, but I will sit down if you want the hon member in front of me to proceed.
No, hon member. You may proceed.
Thank you, Chairperson. I would like to let you know that I am Mazambane Lees. [Laughter.]
Okay then, Mazambane. The hon member must have his say. [Laughter.]]