House Chair, I move without notice:
That the House -
1) notes that six South African universities have been chosen to be part of the African Research Universities Alliance, ARUA, which was launched on Tuesday, 10 March 2015, in Dakar, Senegal; 2) further notes that the alliance was launched at the African Higher Education Summit, which aims to use the Pan-African network as a platform to strengthen research and postgraduate training on the continent;
3) acknowledges that altogether 15 universities from across the African continent were chosen;
4) further acknowledges that the successful South African universities are: Witwatersrand, KwaZulu-Natal, Stellenbosch, Rhodes, Pretoria and Cape Town;
5) congratulates the South African universities that have been selected; and
6) urges key South African stakeholders in government, the higher- education sector and local funding agencies to support this initiative.
Agreed to.