Deputy Chairperson, I move without notice:
That the Council-
1) notes with concern the cash-trapped SA Airways is considering of cutting off up to the fifth of its workforce this job cuts
of nearly 1 000 employees will add to the already high unemployment rate;
2) the SAA sees it necessary to retrench workers to endure that they remain committed to offer its customers the best service and they agreed that they would have to part ways with some of their loyal colleagues;
3) further notes that according to the president of the National Transport Movement Union, Mashudu Raphetha, the union was not consulted on this plan and the retrenchment of these employees is the direct result of the increased salaries of pilots; and
4) recognises that if SAA was privatised when the DA originally called it to be sold this retrenchments could have been avoided and less South Africans would not have unemployed.
In light of the objection the motion may not be proceeded with and this motion without notice will now become a notice of a motion.