Mr Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe

Politician Profile Page

Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe

About Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: deliberations
    15 Aug 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry met to hear the completion of the report back by the Department of Trade and Industry on its responses to the public submissions on additional clauses in the Copyright Amendment Bill. In addition, the parliamentary Legal Advisor would be responding to the public ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: deliberations
    14 Aug 2018

    The Committee met to receive information on the 50 public submissions on the additional clauses inserted in the Copyright Amendment Bill. The Department of Trade and Industry presented its responses to issues raised in the submissions.

    The Committee had not expected the volume of comment that the clauses had attracted ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition ‘Debt Intervention’ National Credit Amendment Bill: editing changes
    14 Aug 2018

    Documents handed out: National Credit Amendment Bill: editing changes (awaited)

    The Committee met to deliberate on final details in the National Credit Amendment Bill before instructing the Senior Legal Advisor to prepare the final draft for clause-by-clause deliberations.

    The Chairperson addressed the matter of the Employment Creation Fund raised at ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition National Credit Amendment Bill: response to submissions & legal opinion & deliberations
    31 Jul 2018

    Members of the Trade and Industry Committee returned to Parliament during the constituency period to deal with the pressing matter of debt relief legislation.

    Advocate Charmaine van der Merwe, Parliamentary Senior Legal Advisor, presented a legal opinion from Senior Counsel on three clauses in the National Credit Amendment Bill on ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill; Committee Reports on Sugar Industry & UK Study Tour Report
    14 Jun 2018

    Call for Comment on Specific Clauses

    The Committee completed deliberations on the current draft of the Copyright Amendment Bill and specific clauses of the 14 June Bill would be advertised for public comment until 9 July 2018.

    Three main areas had been flagged the previous week on the Copyright Amendment ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Tripartite Free Trade Agreement; NRCS ICT modernisation project
    13 Jun 2018

    The Department of Trade and Industry (Dti) came before the Committee to present on the ratification of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement, and to report on the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) information communication technology (ICT) modernisation project..

    The Department said that South Africa had signed the Free Trade ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) delayed forensic audit of Gupta coal test
    13 Jun 2018

    The Committee meeting was a difficult, at times acrimonious, one that found itself engaged in matters that were not on the agenda and struggling to resolve any of the agenda items. The Chairman of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Board, Mr Jeff Molobela, and the SABS CEO, Dr ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Steel & Sugar Tariffs: DTI, ITAC, SARS; Sugar Industry; Space activities
    12 Jun 2018

    The Portfolio Committee was becoming increasingly concerned about steel and sugar tariffs. Members wanted information about reports that there had been a period of duty-free sugar imports and they were seeking answers to that question as well as the implementation of new tariffs to assist the struggling sugar industry as ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: flagged clauses
    7 Jun 2018

    The Committee began with a recap on the clauses in the Copyright Amendment Bill that had been resolved in the previous meeting and those that still required resolution. Clauses had not been resolved either because a legal opinion was required, the Committee had requested further information or examples of international ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: DTI & CIPC response on flagged clauses
    6 Jun 2018

    The Portfolio Committee met to resolve some of the outstanding policy issues in the Copyright Amendment Bill. Parliamentary Legal Services reported on information received from a Committee copyright consultant on ‘‘fair use’’ and ‘‘fair dealing’’. The consultant explained that the difference between the two was the openness of the ‘‘‘fair ...