Mr Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe

Politician Profile Page

Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe

About Bhekizizwe Abram Radebe

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: consideration of Legal Opinion
    13 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry had had several concerns about the constitutionality of the Copyright Amendment Bill, particularly in respect of the clauses that dealt with retrospectivity. The Senior Legal Advisor had recommended a phased in approach for implementation of the Bill with those clauses not being implemented ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill: consideration of submissions
    8 Nov 2018

    The Committee was briefed by the Senior Parliamentary Legal Advisor on the public submissions on the Performer’s Protection Amendment Bill as well as its response to those inputs. The Department of Trade and Industry also presented its views on the public input.

    There were no inputs on the proposed deletion ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition National Gambling Amendment Bill: deliberations
    6 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee met to discuss the National Gambling Amendment Bill. Members focused on the two substantive issues that had arisen during the public hearings. The first issue was the introduction of a regulator to replace the board in the National Gambling Board and the question of the powers of ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition National Gambling Amendment Bill: DTI response to submissions
    30 Oct 2018

    The Department of Trade and Industry briefed the Portfolio Committee on its responses to the written and oral public submissions on the National Gambling Amendment Bill. The Department outlined the context of amending the National Gambling Act (NGA) and the context of South Africa and gambling, expressing particular concern that ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition National Gambling Amendment Bill: public hearings day 2
    26 Oct 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Development held public hearings on the ­­National Gambling

    Amendment Bill for the second time in the week. The participants included the Western Cape Bookmakers’ Association and the Gauteng Off-course Bookmakers’ Association, Sun Slots, Ithuba, the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board and the Western ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Incentive Programme Review: briefing
    23 Oct 2018

    The Department of Trade and Industry presented a Review Report of the Incentive Programme for the past five years from 2013/14 to 2017/18. The incentive package had doubled in the five years under review.

    The Department reported that manufacturing in South Africa offered 1.7 million jobs directly but indirectly 5.4 ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition African Continental Free Trade Area; SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment; Copyright Amendment Bill: clauses to be advertised; BRRR
    11 Oct 2018

    Call for Public Submissions

    The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry was pleased to receive a briefing by the Department of Trade and Industry on the Ratification of the Agreement Amending Annex 1 (Co-operation on Investment) of the SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment (FIP). The Department sought to obtain ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition SA Sugar Association on sugar tariffs and SAFDA; Trade and Industry BRRR
    10 Oct 2018

    The Committee continued discussion of the draft Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report. The Chairperson went through the report page-by-page, and discussion focussed on the entities that reported to the Department of Trade and Industry, particularly the South African Bureau of Standards, and potential losses by the Department. The Department of ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill & Copyright Amendment Bill: Department & Parliamentary Legal Advisor responses to submissions; BRRR
    9 Oct 2018

    The Committee discussed the draft Budgetary Review and Recommendations report in detail, adding recommendations and making amendments where necessary, but was unable to conclude the matter in the time available. The Committee referred to the analysis of how many targets had been met and asked if the report gave reasons ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill: public hearings day 1
    13 Sep 2018

    The Portfolio Committee held public hearings for those who had made written submissions on the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill. As the Committee was keen on hearing the voices of performers, a special call had been put out for performers to attend the hearings to tell their stories and to indicate ...