Mr Darren Bergman

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Darren Bergman

About Darren Bergman

Committee Meetings Attended

  • International Relations International Criminal Court ruling; Foreign Service Bill: input by Department of Defence
    8 Mar 2017

    Both Ministers of Justice and of International Relations were absent from the meeting which irked the Committee as they needed to account for the International Criminal Court withdrawal without seeking Parliament’s approval and repeal of the Rome Statute Act. They said that a department official could not answer political questions. ...

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: input by Department of Home Affairs
    22 Feb 2017

    The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) met with the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation to give its input on the Foreign Services Bill. Representatives from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation(DIRCO) were also present at the meeting. There was some discussion on the role of the two ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Boxing SA progress report; SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport on Post-Olympics doping results
    21 Feb 2017

    The Committee was briefed by the South African Institute of Drug-Free Sports (SAIDS) on their anti-doping strategy leading up to the Rio Olympics and Paralympics. SAIDS strategy began a year before the games and was focused on testing and anti-doping education of athletes and coaches. It was emphasised that SAIDS ...

  • International Relations AU Summit 2017 outcomes, with Deputy Minister
    15 Feb 2017

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) discussed the outcomes of the AU Summit and the impact of Morocco’s admission to the AU. The focus areas of the Summit included institutional reform, the continental free trade area (CFTA), withdrawing from the International Criminal Court (ICC), election of the AU ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Sports and Recreation Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report
    14 Feb 2017

    2016 Budget Review & Recommendations Reports – BRRR

    The Committee was supposed to be briefed by Chess SA but this had to be postponed as the Chairperson of the body was not available to attend the meeting due to pressing deadlines. Members were unhappy that Chess SA had communicated their ...

  • International Relations Committee Business
    7 Dec 2016

    The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation met to adopt 15 sets of minutes dating back from March 2016. A few editorial changes were made to the minutes and the minutes were then adopted with their amendments.

    The Chairperson informed the Committee that it should pick one country instead ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture Provincial Rugby Unions on challenges, governance and transformation in provincial unions
    29 Nov 2016

    Six provincial rugby unions were scheduled to report to the Committee on the governance and transformation in their respective unions, their successes and their challenges. However, Griffons Rugby Union and Border Rugby Union failed to appear before the Committee and made no apologies to either the Committee or to SA ...

  • Sport, Arts and Culture MIG use for sport and recreation infrastructure: inputs by Treasury, COGTA, SALGA and SRSA
    23 Nov 2016

    The Committee received briefings from the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), National Treasury (NT), the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), and the Department of Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) on their utilisation of the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) for sport and recreation infrastructure and related ...

  • International Relations Petition on current situation in Palestine: National Coalition for Palestine briefing
    23 Nov 2016

    The National Coalition for Palestine (NC4P) in South Africa briefed the Committee on a petition presented to Parliament on 9 August 2014 following a peaceful march attended by over 200 000 people. It said the motivation for the march and the petition was the savage attacks on Palestinians, especially children, which ...

  • International Relations SA Foreign Policy issues; Meeting with South African Council on International Relations
    16 Nov 2016

    A delegation from the South African Council on International Relations (SACOIR) met with the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation to discuss the recent US election and its impact on South Africa’s foreign policy. Though the US election was only briefly discussed, the delegation gave a detailed account of ...