Ms Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Politician Profile Page

Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

About Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Contract Deviations & Expansions 2019/20 Quarter 3: Office of Chief Procurement Officer
    19 Feb 2020

    The Standing Committee considers the deviations and expansions for the 2019/20 financial year. The report consists of all the deviations and expansions which have either been supported, not supported, conditionally supported or noted by the National Treasury. The acting Chief Procurement Officer, National Treasury explained the concepts and outlined the ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Quarter 3 Spending Challenges: Treasury report
    18 Feb 2020

    National Treasury briefed the Committee on 2019/20 Quarter 3 Spending Outcomes for departments. It spoke about expenditure reporting by public entities and the challenges in verifying this.

    The overall spending for the Quarter 3 of 2019/20 shows spending of R683 billion, an underspending of R14.4 billion. The largest deviation was ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: Department of Public Enterprises and Eskom briefings; with Minister
    10 Sep 2019

    The Minister said Eskom was a vital utility and crucial to the economy. It had been the target of state capture, and damage had been done to it. There had now been a two year period of recovery in the areas of governance, finance and operations, but the company was ...

  • Rules of the National Assembly Institutions Supporting Democracy office-bearers: procedure for removal; Subcommittee Report on Physical removal of Members from Chamber; Sub Judice Rule review
    10 Sep 2019

    NA Rules

    The Committee met to discuss a number of rule amendments but, primarily, to determine a procedure for the removal of office-bearers of Institutions Supporting Democracy.

    The Committee determined that a process to remove an office-bearer should not be entered into lightly and it could not be because ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Eskom's Special Appropriation Bill: FFC submission
    3 Sep 2019

    The Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) commented on the 2019 Special Appropriation Bill, noting Eskom’s dire financial situation and government intervention strategies, and gave turnaround suggestions.

    The key issues that had been raised were around corruption and incompetence within Eskom, the privatisation of Eskom and the juxtaposition between historical Eskom ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury briefing: Members’ Orientation
    21 Aug 2019

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCoA) hosted an induction session with the National Treasury. The Committee was briefed on various structural aspects of public finance, state owned entities and state owned companies.

    Highlights included the questioning of the allocation of national revenue to provincial and local government (which it did ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations 2019 Appropriation Bill: public hearings and Treasury response
    16 Jul 2019

    The Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations held a joint public hearing on the 2019 Appropriation Bill and heard from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and from Mr Guy Harris.

    Cosatu said it had expected the Budget to go further in addressing the economic, governance and budgetary ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations 2019 Appropriation Bill: Parliamentary Budget Office briefing
    9 Jul 2019

    The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) briefing was made to a joint sitting of the Appropriations Committees of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces. The 2019 Appropriations Bill was tabled by the Minister of Finance along with the 2019 Budget. It provided for the appropriation of money for ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury 2018/19 Quarter 4 performance; Appropriation Bill 2019, with Deputy Minister
    3 Jul 2019

    Members of the two Committees expressed concern that under-spending by some departments indicated failures in service delivery. The under-spending was highlighted by National Treasury during a presentation on fourth-quarter spending by national government departments and public entities.

    Treasury said 98.7% of the adjusted appropriation of R11 billion had been spent. ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Election of Committee Chairperson
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee elected Mr S Buthelezi (ANC) to be its chairperson after a vote.

    The Committee also agreed unanimously on a work programme to consider and report on the government’s budget spending plans as outlined in the 2019 Appropriations Bill.