Ms Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Politician Profile Page

Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

About Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Electricity and Energy Committee Report on Energy 2014 Budget; Second Term Committee Programme
    10 Jul 2014

    The Portfolio Committee on Energy (the Committee) met to consider and adopt the Committee Budget Vote Report, as well as its second term programme and outstanding minutes.

    The Committee Budget Vote Report was adopted with amendments. Members agreed that there was insufficient time for the Committee to efficiently go through ...

  • Electricity and Energy Overview by entities reporting to the Department of Energy on their key strategic objectives
    1 Jul 2014

    The Portfolio Committee received presentations from the South African National Energy Corporation (NECSA), National Nuclear Regulator (NNR), National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA), South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), Central Energy Fund (CEF) and PetroSA on their strategic plans.

    The Committee was told that the NECSA Group forecast ...

  • Electricity and Energy Ministry and Department of Energy on their 2014 Strategic Plan
    1 Jul 2014

    The Department of Energy (DoE) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Energy on its Annual Performance Plan, its Strategic Plan and Budget Vote No 29.

    The presentation gave a “birds eye” view about the DoE and its National Energy Programme. As the President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) highlighted; energy ...

  • Tourism Election of Chairperson
    25 Jun 2014

    The Committee met briefly to elect a chairperson. Ms B Ngcobo (ANC) was elected unopposed. Members were informed that the Committee’s meetings would take place on Friday’s. The DA objected to this and asked for this to be shifted to Tuesday’s instead. The Chairperson explained that the day had been ...

  • Electricity and Energy Election of Chairperson
    24 Jun 2014

    The Committee Secretary assumed the role of Acting Chairperson to facilitate the nominations for the incoming Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Energy. Mr F Majola (ANC) was nominated as the Chairperson. The nomination was unopposed and there were no other nominations. The new Members introduced themselves to the Committee. ...