Ms Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Politician Profile Page

Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

About Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Minister of Health on his Department 3rd Quarter 2015/16 performance
    3 May 2016

    Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi said maintenance of infrastructure was very important. He suggested the current ratio of 25% spent on maintenance and 25% on refurbishment should be further changed to 30% for maintenance and 20% for refurbishment to cover the maintenance backlogs. It had been a battle dealing with ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Department of Water and Sanitation on its 3rd Quarter 2015/16 performance: hearing
    20 Apr 2016

    The Department of Water and Sanitation presented its third quarter performance to the Standing Committee on Appropriations, and reported that it had under-performed in all its core programmes. These included administration, water sector management, water structure development, water and sanitation services and water sector regulations. As a result, the Department’s ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations DPME on department progress with National Development Plan alignment & MTSF implementation
    19 Apr 2016

    Of 43 national departments, 30 were found to be aligned to the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). Of the 30, 11 were fully aligned and 19 partially aligned. A summary of progress toward MTSF 2014-2019 targets per outcome was presented in graph form. There was an overview of progress related ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Auditor General South Africa on the 2014/15 sector outcomes
    15 Apr 2016

    The Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) toilets which the Department of Human Settlements had built were found to have so many structural defects that one had to hold on to the seat in order not to fall off, and in one instance, half a plastic ginger beer bottle had been passed ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Progress with its efficiency drives: Office of the Chief Procurement Officer briefing
    13 Apr 2016

    Members again lamented the late submission of the presentation document, which meant they were unable to fact check or facilitate public participation on the information. National Treasury apologised and the Committee resolved to take the matter up with the Director General of National Treasury.

    The Office of the Chief Procurement ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury on its 3rd Quarter 2015/16 performance
    12 Apr 2016

    Members were critical of the fact that once again they had received the presentation documents late, and the National Treasury apologised and undertook that this would not happen again. National Treasury (NT) then presented the expenditure for the third quarter  (Q3) of 2015/16. Total voted expenditure was R513.9 billion. R345 ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations 2016 Division of Revenue Bill: South African Local Government Association comments & input from National Treasury
    2 Mar 2016

    The meeting began with deliberations about the legality of the meeting itself. Members of the DA, including Shadow Minister of Finance, Mr D Maynier (who was sitting in on the meeting), argued that the meeting was inconsistent with the Constitution as it was out of place in terms of the ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) Department of Correctional Services qualified audit: hearing with Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services
    1 Mar 2016

    The Committee received a briefing by the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services as part of the ongoing engagement about the qualified audit of the Department of Correctional Services (DCS).

    National Treasury first gave input on the DCS tender for the Integrated Inmate Management System (IIMS). The problem with the ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) PRASA hearing, with Minister of Transport
    23 Feb 2016

    The Committee met again, in the presence of the Minister of Transport, to continue to interrogate the 2014/15 Annual Report and financial statements of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) and the irregularities reported on by the Auditor-General (AG). These included the purchase of oversized passenger trains and ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) 2015: Minister of Finance briefing
    22 Oct 2015

    The Minister of Finance and a delegation from the National Treasury met with a joint committee comprising the Standing Committee on Finance, the Select Committee on Finance, the Standing Committee on Appropriations and the Select Committee on Appropriations. The National Treasury presented the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS), which ...