Ms Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Politician Profile Page

Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

About Elsabe Natasha Ntlangwini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Debt Relief Policy: DA Input
    16 Aug 2017

    The SubCommittee on debt relief met briefly to receive the DA’s input on the debt relief policy as well as its recommendations. Members welcomed and agreed with the inputs, and the Chairperson suggested that the inputs and recommendations will be added to the Terms of Reference in the interim. 

  • Home Affairs Eastern, Northern & Western Cape Home Affairs reports with Minister; Gupta citizenship meeting proposal
    15 Aug 2017

    Prior to the briefings by the Minister and the Provincial Managers, some Members made requests based on the urgency accorded to State Capture by the House Chairperson of Committees and the Committee decisions made at its 20 June 2017 meeting. The requests were the need to set a date to ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: engagement with key stakeholders
    15 Aug 2017

    The meeting was a continuation of public hearings conducted by the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry to receive input from stakeholders regarding the provisions of the proposed Copyright Amendments Bill. On this occasion, it received submissions from artists, composers and the Department of Science and Technology.

    Aspire, a South ...

  • Health National Public Health Institute of South Africa: Department of Health briefing
    21 Jun 2017

    The Department of Health (DoH) appeared before the Committee to present a proposal for a Bill which will empower the creation of a National Public Health Institute of South Africa (NAPHISA). The Bill was proposed for the Institute to coordinate, conduct disease and injury surveillance, provide specialised public health services, ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Sugary Beverages Health Promotion Levy: Treasury response
    21 Jun 2017

    National Treasury presented its responses to submissions received on the Health Promotion Levy. The 2017 Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill (Draft Rates Bill) was first released for public comment on 22 February 2017 which was Budget Speech Day. National Treasury and SARS briefed the ...

  • Home Affairs Naturalisation of Guptas; Home Affairs network problems; Mbombela office closure
    20 Jun 2017

    The Chairperson explained that the Committee had tried to get Home Affairs to come and brief Members on the naturalisation of the Guptas. However, the briefing today would not be possible as the day before he had received a note from the Director-General stating that the Department would be briefing ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Repeal of Space Affairs Act; Debt Relief Committee Bill framework
    20 Jun 2017

    The Committee met to consider the repeal of the Space Affairs Act No. 84 of 1993, and was informed that after a new Space Council had been appointed by the Minister and Cabinet in 2016, various processes of consultation had been undertaken, and had culminated in the drafting of the ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Over-Indebtedness: National Treasury & National Credit Regulator
    14 Jun 2017

    The National Credit Regulator (NCR) and National Treasury briefed the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on over-indebtedness in South Africa and debt relief measures under consideration.

    Briefing by the National Credit Regulator on over-indebtedness

    According to NCR, as at 31 December 2016, there were 24.31 million credit active consumers, ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP); Debt Relief proposed policy: National Consumer Tribunal input, with Minister
    13 Jun 2017

    The Minister of Trade and Industry briefed the Committee on the new iteration of the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) for 2017/18. The Minster said that IPAP facilitated economic restructuring by supporting radical economic transformation by focusing on patterns of ownership, management and control, with a central focus on the ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Copyright Amendment Bill: briefing; Debt Relief proposed policy: National Treasury input
    30 May 2017

    The Committee invited the Members of the Portfolio Committee of Arts and Culture to join it for a briefing by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on the Copyright Amendment Bill and the Performers Protection Amendment Bill. It was also briefed by the National Treasury on debt relief.

    The ...