Adv Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

About Loyiso Khanyisa Bunye Mpumlwana

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development “Esidimeni” Complaint: SAHRC briefing
    22 Feb 2017

    The meeting was convened due to the more than 94 psychiatric patient deaths after their transfer from Life Esidimeni. The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) appeared before the Committee to explain the Commission’s involvement in the matter, detailing the correspondence it had with the Gauteng Department of Health and ...

  • International Relations Foreign Service Bill: input by Department of Home Affairs
    22 Feb 2017

    The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) met with the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation to give its input on the Foreign Services Bill. Representatives from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation(DIRCO) were also present at the meeting. There was some discussion on the role of the two ...

  • International Relations AU Summit 2017 outcomes, with Deputy Minister
    15 Feb 2017

    The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) discussed the outcomes of the AU Summit and the impact of Morocco’s admission to the AU. The focus areas of the Summit included institutional reform, the continental free trade area (CFTA), withdrawing from the International Criminal Court (ICC), election of the AU ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Suspension of magistrates: Magistrates Commission briefing; Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill: DoJ&CD briefing
    15 Feb 2017

    A delegation from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development presented the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill to the committee. The delegation apologised for the delay in getting the bill to parliament and noted that the deadline was fast approaching.

    The Department explained that the proposed bill gives effect to two ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Child Justice Act section 97 regulations: briefing
    14 Feb 2017

    The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services was briefed by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development on the amendments to the Regulations relating to the Child Justice Act.

    Certain sections of the Act, including sections 11, 28, 43, 56, 75, 77, 85 and 97 were amended by the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Traditional Courts Bill; Implementation of Rome Statute of International Criminal Court Act Repeal Bill: briefing with Minister and Deputy Minister
    31 Jan 2017

    The Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development highlighted that there were many improvements to the Traditional Courts Bill following concerns with previous versions of the Bill. The main objective of the Bill was to create a uniform legislative framework to regulate the role and functions of traditional courts. Since ...

  • International Relations Committee Business
    7 Dec 2016

    The Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation met to adopt 15 sets of minutes dating back from March 2016. A few editorial changes were made to the minutes and the minutes were then adopted with their amendments.

    The Chairperson informed the Committee that it should pick one country instead ...

  • International Relations DIRCO & African Renaissance Fund on Quarter 1 performance
    30 Nov 2016

    The DIRCO Audit Committee, an external body, reported that meeting with DIRCO on the turnaround strategy to address the Auditor-General’s audit findings and qualified audit opinion would only take place on 6 December, so it would be difficult to make any comments before that meeting. The Audit Committee would only ...

  • International Relations South Africa Jewish Board of Deputies: Response to SA Jews for a Free Palestine
    25 Nov 2016

    The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) had requested to meet with the Committee, following a meeting that the same Committee had held with a pro-Palestinian delegation of the South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP) and the South Africa Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). SAHBD noted that ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Parliamentary Legal Advisors on 2015 public submissions
    25 Nov 2016

    The Committee Content Advisor firstly briefed the Committee on the submissions that had been sent to the Committee in the 2015 and 2016 years. She noted that she had broadly divided them into three categories, which were not cast in stone but might help Members to categorise. For those that ...