Ms Mireille Mary Wenger

Politician Profile Page

Mireille Mary Wenger

About Mireille Mary Wenger

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Adjusted Estimates 2019/20 & Provincial Quarter 2 Performance & MTBPS
    26 Nov 2019

    Quarter 2 spending amounted to R32.185 billion (47.8%) of the R67.306 billion adjusted budget. The main budget was increased by R114.339 million, to account for the approved roll-overs of national conditional grants for the Departments of Education and Human Settlements, as well as the Department of Social Development whose expedited ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Division of Revenue Amendment Bill: public hearing & Permanent Delegate & NT briefing
    21 Nov 2019

    The Committee was briefed on the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill and a public hearing from a concerned citizen about the good performance of the Western in spite of poor financial allocations.  The Division of Revenue Amendment Bill (DoRAB) makes amendments to the DoRA (Act 16 of 2019). Section 12(4) ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Provincial and Municipal Economic Review 2019/20
    30 Sep 2019

    The Western Cape Provincial Treasury provided a Provincial and Municipal Economic Review for 2019/20 where socio-economic developments were also unpacked and the implications discussed.

    The slow growth of economy and high unemployment were key discussion topics. Members asked about the causes of the increasing income inequality; why the infant mortality ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Provincial Treasury on Quarter 1 performance; FFC on 2019/20 submissions for Division of Revenue
    30 Aug 2019

    The Provincial Treasury briefed the Committee on its first Quarter performance, and the Financial and Fiscal Commission briefed the Committee on its 2019/ 20 submissions for Division of Revenues. The Financial and Fiscal Commission's presentation dealt with Local government sustainability, local government fiscal framework, municipal government capacity building, local government ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Quarter 4 2018/19 Provincial Performance; Provincial Money Bills Amendment Procedure Bill
    2 Aug 2019

    In the first meeting of the Sixth Parliament, the Western Cape MEC for Finance and Economic Opportunities was present for an introductory briefing on the Provincial Budget process and reporting on the Fourth Quarter 2018/19 performance. The Provincial Treasury operates within the Broader Integrated Policy Plan of the budget implementation ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Internal Audit function, emerging risks and assurance engagements for Provincial Government of Western Cape for 2019/19: Audit Committee
    26 Jul 2019

    The Committee met to be briefed on the roles and responsibilities of the internal and external auditing committees in order to gain an insight into their lines of reporting and levels of independence.

    The Committee was told that the external audit committees were independent entities whose members were recruited from ...

  • Community Development (WCPP) Committee Report on Western Cape Appropriation Bill
    14 Mar 2019

    The Committee Members met to adopt the report for Vote Six (Health) and Vote Seven (Social Development). The Committee supported both votes. However, in terms of Standing Rule 86, the African National Congress expressed its minority view not to support both votes. 

  • Premier & Constitutional Matters (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill vote 1: finalisation
    14 Mar 2019

    The Committee considered and adopted its Committee Report on Vote 1 without any amendments.

    The Committee further approved the minutes of the previous meeting.


  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill: Community Safety budget
    14 Mar 2019

    The Committee met to consider and adopt the report on Vote Four (Community Safety) of the Western Cape Appropriation Bill.  The Committee supported the Vote. However, the African National Congress expressed its minority party view to not support the vote.

  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill: Community Safety budget, with MEC
    7 Mar 2019

    The Standing Committee met to consider and approve the Appropriation Bill and Community Safety Budget.

    The Department set out what it hopes to achieve during this financial year, which includes a range of interlinked programmes and projects aimed at making the province and city safer. The Committee heard submissions from ...