Ms Mireille Mary Wenger

Politician Profile Page

Mireille Mary Wenger

About Mireille Mary Wenger

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill: Department of Community Safety
    13 Mar 2018

    The Chairperson opened the meeting by asking the committee members and the delegates to introduce themselves. The Chairperson communicated the agenda of the meeting.

    Mr Dan Plato, Western Cape Minister of Community, said that the DOCS had been doing well in the years and adhered to sound financial practice. He ...

  • Premier & Constitutional Matters (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill 2018, with Premier
    9 Mar 2018

    In the presence of the Premier, the Committee considered Vote 1: Premier in the schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2018.

    The Premier, in her opening remarks, stated that the Medium Term Expenditure Framework allocation for 2018/19 was R1 486 193 000. The allocation would be R1 421 291 ...

  • Community Development (WCPP) Discussion on Department of Social Development’s Annual Performance Plan (APP) 2018/19; with Minister
    8 Mar 2018

    The Minister of Social Development (Western Cape), expressed concern at the impact of the drought and the burning down of the Department’s facilities and cars, as this was adversely affecting service delivery, so there was a need for community involvement. Belts needed to be tightened so that projects could succeed, ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Additional Adjustments Appropriation Bill & Appropriation Bill: Provincial Treasury; with Minister
    6 Mar 2018

    The Provincial Treasury (PT) said the 2018 budget was firmly positioned to promote service delivery in the Western Cape, while giving effect to national and provincial policy imperatives, as outlined in the 2014 - 2019 Provincial Strategic Plan (PSP). The fiscal approach was to maintain fiscal sustainability while managing key ...

  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) SAPS state of readiness for Day Zero possibility
    28 Feb 2018

    With the drought still persisting in the Western Cape, the South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Committee on its plans to maintain public safety across the province in case Day Zero arrived. It spelt out the measures it would take to ensure that all SAPS stations remained fully operational, ...

  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) Western Cape Liquor Authority Board roles and responsibilities; recommendations
    31 Jan 2018

    The Standing Committee on Community Safety met to consider the appointment of members of the Board of the Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA) in accordance with the Liquor Act (2008) regulations, which require the Standing Committee to make recommendations on such members' appointment. The Head of Department and the Senior ...