Ms Mireille Mary Wenger

Politician Profile Page

Mireille Mary Wenger

About Mireille Mary Wenger

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Community Development (WCPP) Committee Business
    7 Mar 2019

    Report of the meeting to follow.

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2019: Provincial Treasury briefing
    5 Mar 2019

    The Provincial Treasury briefed the Budget Committee on the 2019 budget and 2018/19 additional adjustment appropriations. The 2019 Budget demonstrated the province’s commitment to policy priorities and focused on “maximum citizen impact”. The aim of the Department was to enhance governance through innovation, partnerships and technology, and to apply the ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Provincial Treasury on Quarter 3 performance
    1 Mar 2019

    The Committee was briefed on the Third Quarter Performance of the Provincial Treasury for the current financial year. Spending in this period amounted to R 45.499 billion of the R63.212 billion adjusted budget. Performance in the 2018/19 period of the province included a net adjustment of R463.308 million made to ...

  • Community Development (WCPP) Committee Report on Department of Health Annual Report
    28 Nov 2018

    Members of the Committee finalised the Committee Report on the Department of Health’s Annual Report.

    The Committee considered and adopted several outstanding minutes.

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Committee Report on Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill
    27 Nov 2018

    The Budget Committee considered the various Standing Committee reports on the votes in the schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill [B 6-2018]. The Committee supported the Bill, and the ANC expressed its minority view to not support the Bill.

  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) SAPS Western Cape 2017/18 Annual Report
    27 Nov 2018

    The South Africa Police Services (SAPS) appeared before the Portfolio Committee to present its annual report for 2017/18.

    One of the major cost drivers for SAPS was the cost of fuel. About R245 million was spent on fuel. The Committee was concerned with this level of expenditure, and said there ...

  • Community Development (WCPP) Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill: consideration & Committee Report
    23 Nov 2018

    The Department of Social Development (DSD) appeared before the Committee to discuss the Department’s adjusted estimates for provincial expenditure.

    According to the CFO, the Department had received R5 128 000 as an adjustment increase. Of that, R1.5 million was revenue retention from the previous year that the Department could also ...

  • Community Development (WCPP) Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill: Department of Health consideration, MEC Present
    23 Nov 2018

    The Committee met with the Department of Health, led by the MEC and Head of Department, to consider and adopt Vote 6: Health in the Schedule to the 2018 Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill and consider and adoption of the Committee Report on Vote 6: Health. Members went through the ...

  • Police Oversight, Community Safety and Cultural Affairs and Sport (WCPP) Western Cape Police Ombudsman 2017/18 Annual Report; Cape Town Metro Police Department 2018/19 Annual Plan
    14 Nov 2018

    The Committee met to consider the annual report of the Western Cape Police Ombudsman (WCPO) and the annual plan for 2018/19 of the Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department.

    Pertinent issues raised in the WPCO’s annual report included the backlog in the Forensic Pathology Services, which prompted a Member to ask ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Provincial Treasury Quarter 1 performance; Division of Revenue: Financial and Fiscal Commission on submissions
    24 Aug 2018

    The Provincial Treasury and Office of the Premier presented its performance outcomes for the first quarter of 2018/19.
    The first quarter spending amounts to R13.133 billion or 20.9 per cent of the R62.748 billion main budget.
    At the end of June 2018, the Province reflected a technical net projected over ...