Thank you Chairperson, Minister, is there any integrated government strategy to mitigate the effect of natural disaster drought and storms to productive farming? If not, why? If so, what are the relevant details? Thank you, Chair.
Ndongeni, thank you very much. It goes back to the issue that I answered hon Mfayela on to say that we have been working on different approaches that we could put in place to respond to the climate issue in particular, which will cover issues of drought as well as the floods. I indicated that we are working with the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries because as you know, in the past, each department would have particular interventions. The way in which the current administration seeks to work is in a co- ordinated way because the issue of drought as well as floods or any form of natural disasters doesn't only have a bearing on agriculture but runs across. There might be specific interventions on agriculture so as in other sectors but it is important that when we look at our adaptation strategy, we do it in an integrated form. Thank you very much.
Question 147:
Chairperson, the question by hon Aucamp relates specifically on the matter of the Northern Cape. One cannot be able to quantify and indicate in the coming three years how much resources will be spent by government to deal with the issue of drought relief.
However, the department continues to provide the farming communities in the Northern Cape, those who are affected by drought, with risk reduction support including early warning information to mitigate the impacts of natural hazards and including drought.
We must also indicate that we have given drought assistance to the amount of R30 million as it was announced by the Deputy President and together with the province and the farming community agreed on the method in which such assistance will be given, particularly on issues of FODA for the animals.
So, in respect of that, one of the things we have done is to make available few farms and use those as foda banks so that we can produce foda, particularly in those areas closer to the Orange River where we can irrigate in order to assist farmers with the feat.
B, the question related to when will the Northern Cape be declared a disaster area? Again, this is a matter that is the competence of the Department Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, CoGTA. What we have done as the national department working with the province have been to give the necessary information on the assessment that we have done particularly in the five districts that have been affected by drought. And we have given that information to the relevant department and we are hopeful that sooner we will get an indication of whether or not the province, particularly the five districts, will be declared as disaster. Thank you very much, hon member.