ACDP leader Rev Meshoe returns to parliament after six month break

People's Assembly (PA) notes that African Christian Democratic Party leader Reverend Kenneth Meshoe is back in the big house this year. After a six month leave of absence from Parliament, Meshoe was spotted attending the Police Portfolio Committee's first meeting of 2014, on Tuesday 28 November.

When asked why he has not been around of late, he told PA “My absence was related to good conscience and integrity. From the end of June till the end of last year I had a heavy program of international travel that would have seen me only spend an average of 5 days a month in Parliament. While my family noted that some of my colleagues stay away for months, as a Christian I knew it would not be right to draw a salary. After discussing it with my party we agreed another ACDP representative would stand in for me while I was travelling”.

When asked if the fact that McBride is being interviewed by the Portfolio Committee on Police tomorrow, with regards to his nomination for IPID head, was the draw card that lured Rev Meschoe back to attending the Committee's meetings, he replied, “Well I don't want to jump the gun but yes, I would like to have a say in the appointment of McBride, that certainly does interest me”.


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