The Week Ahead: Final Term, Annual Report Season & President Ramaphosa

Parliament will be particularly busy when it resumes business for the fourth and final term as it deals with the annual task of poring over the 2022/23 Annual Reports of Departments and public entities within the ambit of each parliamentary committee.

It is during this process that the importance of ...

The Week Ahead: BRICS Parliamentary Forum & Legislation

The third term concludes for NCOP delegates.

From next week, they will join their NA counterparts who are on recess.

Legislation is a major focus in Tuesday’s NCOP sitting. The House will consider three Bills, the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill, the Copyright Amendment Bill and the Fundraising Amendment Bill. In ...

The Week Ahead: Legislation & Questions for Oral Reply top the agenda

It's the final week of the parliamentary term for the National Assembly. National Council of Provinces (NCOP) delegates will sit for a further week and commence their constituency break on 2 October 2023.

The NCOP has not scheduled any sitting this week as the House's Whippery will undertake a working ...

The Week Ahead: PP Removal Vote & NCOP Provincial Week

The National Assembly has scheduled a physical sitting (Cape Town City Hall) on Monday to consider and debate the report of the Committee for Section 194 Enquiry. The Committee found Adv Mkhwebane guilty of misconduct and incompetence and recommended that the National Assembly remove her from the office of Public ...

The Week Ahead: Question Time and Legislation

Question time is the main business in both chambers this week. The practice of oral questions is an established part of the parliamentary day and gives MPs an opportunity to question the Executive about matters for which they are responsible.

Everything from specific scandals and programmes to big-picture policy to ...

The Week Ahead: Third Term Kicks into Gear

Now that the National Assembly returns from its constituency break (the NCOP resumed at the start of the month), it feels like the real start of the new term.

The third term will conclude on 22 September 2023 and will be packed with activities.

Some of the highlights include Committee ...

The Week Ahead: Parliament Passes the Budget

The second term concludes for NCOP delegates.

From next week, they will join their NA counterparts who are on recess from this week.

A big chunk of the year has been spent considering the 2023/24 national budget.

What the Minister presents in February is a proposal, that must be scrutinised ...

The Week Ahead: Term 2 Draws to a Close

The constituency period beckons, with MPs in the National Assembly due to depart on Thursday and return to Parliament on 28 August 2023.

Meanwhile, the NCOP’s second term will conclude next week, and delegates will return on 4 September 2023.

Even with a public holiday to compress the calendar, there ...

The Week Ahead: Legislation & Policy Debates

Parliament’s mid-year constituency period is looming. The National Assembly (NA) will conclude its business next week while the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) will end a week later.

In the remaining days, the legislative body is scheduled to pass the national budget, process and vote on several Bills, conduct important ...

The Week Ahead: Presidency & Parliament Budget Votes in the Spotlight

It’s another week where Parliament’s schedule is dominated by Budget Vote Debates.

In the National Assembly, the main plenary event will be the debate on the Presidency's budget vote scheduled on Wednesday and the President’s reply a day later.

In their speeches, the President and Deputy President are likely to ...

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