The Week Ahead: Mini-Plenary Debates & Legislation in the Spotlight

There are several parliamentary mechanisms for achieving government accountability, one of which is the asking of oral questions in the House.

Question Time is used to ask a member of the executive about matters of concern relating to government policy and activities in their portfolio. Many of the questions touch ...

The Week Ahead: Budget 2023 in the spotlight

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s Budget Speech on Wednesday, 22 February will dominate headlines this week.

The Budget presents an overall synopsis of the state of the country’s finances, amendments to tax, distribution of revenue across spheres of government and distribution of expenditure across national departments. It serves as a practical ...

The Week Ahead: SONA Debate

The main highlight is the joint debate on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the President’s response to the debate on Thursday.

This occasion is a highlight on the parliamentary calendar as all party leaders and heavyweight MPs take part.

The debate ...

The Week Ahead: It’s a wrap for 2022

The constituency and leave period beckons for NA MPs, with Tuesday scheduled as the last sitting day.

NCOP delegates will conclude their business a week later on 13 December. The House’s programme was extended so that it can finalse two key greylisting bills.

While parliamentary meetings will resume in late ...

The Week ahead: Pres Ramaphosa in the spotlight

Parliament is winding down and there is a busy week scheduled in the main chambers and committee corridor.

But everything will be overshadowed by the decision of the independent panel, which has to determine whether President Ramaphosa has a prima facie case to answer on Phala Phala. The Panel has ...

The Week Ahead: Municipal Matters & Men’s Parliament

Parliament, in partnership with the South African National Aids Council, will host a two-day National Men’s Parliament today and on Tuesday, 22 November under the theme: “Takuwani Riime! Institutionalising a Responsive Men’s Movement.” This third biennial sectoral Parliament, convened under the banner of the Takuwani Riime Men’s Movement, is a ...

The Week Ahead: Independent Panel decision & Taking Parliament to the People

There's a full and mixed flavour to the coming week's parliamentary business.

But everything will be overshadowed by the decision of the independent panel, which has to determine whether President Ramaphosa has a prima facie case to answer on Phala Phala. The Panel has until 18 November to complete its ...

The Week Ahead: Mini-plenaries

There are five weeks left until Parliament rises for the year.

In the remaining days, lawmakers are scheduled to vote on several Bills, approve government spending, hold debates, scrutinise government performance, conduct oversight visits, consider statutory appointments and instruments and finalise assorted Committee Reports.

The NA chamber has a full ...

The Week Ahead: Question Time with the President

The President's oral question session - on Thursday - is the high point of the parliamentary week. The President is required to answer questions of national or international importance once per term in accordance with the annual parliamentary programme. The questions are sifted and published beforehand to ensure that only ...

The Week Ahead: #MTBPS2022

All eyes will be on the Minister of Finance when he presents the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) on Wednesday. The MTBPS outlines the economic context against which the 2023 budget is being formulated and sets out the spending framework for the next three years.

In addition, the mini-budget gives ...

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