The Week Ahead: All about #budget2016 and some legislating

Finance Minister Pravin Gordan's budget speech on Wednesday will dominate the headlines this week. The Minister has a tough job to do as he seeks to address significant social challenges and reassure investors about the country’s growth prospects.

During the 2015 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speech, the former ...

Infographic: SA's voting landscape

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 on their state of readiness for the 2016 Municipal Elections. Although the exact date of the 2016 Municipal Elections will only be known when the election is officially proclaimed by the Minister of ...

The week ahead: A fiery week looms

It’s taken a few weeks but Parliament is finally firing on all cylinders with plenty of action scheduled in the National Assembly Chamber and the committee corridor.

The main events will be the debate on the State of the Nation Address on Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the President’s ...

The Speech

It’s one of the most important speeches that the President delivers in any year. With a primetime tv audience, it is a tremendous PR opportunity for the President to simultaneously lay out his agenda and reassure doubters - both local and foreign.


There are a few safe bets for Thursday's ...

The Week Ahead: All eyes on President Zuma and the EFF

On Thursday, all eyes will be fixated on President Zuma as he delivers the annual State of the Nation Address (SONA).

The speech is due to be delivered at 19:00 before a combined gathering of Parliament, cabinet, the judiciary, heads of chapter 9 institutions, business leaders, trade unions, foreign guests ...

Everything you need to know about SONA 2016

When and what time is the 2016 State of the Nation Address?

President Zuma’s ninth State of the Address will be delivered on Thursday, February 11 at 19:00. In a break from tradition in February 2010, he delivered the SONA for the first time in the evening to give more ...

The Week Ahead: Food Security, Expropriation Bill, UIF Bill & Marikana

It’s still early days and Parliament is not yet firing on all cylinders. There are no sittings scheduled in the main chambers and only a handful of meetings planned for the committee corridor. Nonetheless, there is still scope for headline-grabbing and party battles in this week's parliamentary agenda, with food ...

Infographic: Working and living conditions of farm workers

The 2011 Human Rights Watch report alleged wide spread abuse of workers on Western Cape farms and in November 2012 the De Doorns strike broke out. Mr Stone Sizani, then Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Affairs, suggested that a comprehensive study be conducted to find ...

Parliament in 2016: what to expect

From the local government elections to political battles, 2016 promises to be another turbulent year in Parliament. Also high on the agenda are contentious legislation, domestic challenges, the state of the economy and public accountability. We preview some of the main issues that will dominate the headlines in 2016.

More ...

Infographic: Parliamentary Calendar 2016

The first term of Parliament (26 January to 24 March 2016) will see the first major event of the year, the State of the Nation Address (SONA) delivered by President Zuma on 11 February 2016. The President will deliver the speech to a special joint sitting of the National Assembly ...

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