Live Magazine SA: VIP Debate Club Cape Town - Party People Edition


After hosting a successful festival in Cape Town and Joburg, Live Mag SA looked at some of the points that surfaced in the numerous discussions and realised that one topic stood out – Youth Unemployment.

As part of their ongoing debate series, they are inviting Members of Parliament (MPs), party representatives and leading political figures to have open and robust conversations with you, yes you!

If you want direct answers to tough questions (from politicians) then the “Party People” series is tailor-made for you. They will focus on one party per debate. For the first Party People Edition, Live Mag SA will be going with the official opposition party, the Democratic Alliance. The idea is to create a feedback loop that allows young people to regularly engage with MPs and elected representatives, to explain policy in more depth and to be held accountable on whether they are actually delivering. The DA has made numerous claims that it is “the only party with a credible, proven plan to create real jobs.”

How dynamic has the DA been in combating youth unemployment? Want to hear more about their “credible, proven plan to create real jobs“?

Join us as we launch our first VIP Debate Club: Party People Edition on July 17th with Mr Zakhele Mbhele from the Democratic Alliance. For this event, Live Mag SA are collaborating with Open Space Gallery who have curated a lineup of artists that will follow after the debate: Boolz, Tonijah, NGOLA, R & R and Anthea Duce on visuals.

  • Date: Friday, 17 July 2015
  • Time: 6pm till late
  • Venue: Open Space 66 Victoria Rd, Woodstock (Corner Woodlands Rd)

The event is free to attend but you need to register to book your seat. For more information and to book your seat visit this page.


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