Everything you need to know about SONA 2016

When and what time is the 2016 State of the Nation Address?

President Zuma’s ninth State of the Address will be delivered on Thursday, February 11 at 19:00. In a break from tradition in February 2010, he delivered the SONA for the first time in the evening to give more ...

Register to attend VIP Debate Club: An Audience With NSFAS


After a successful trip to the Eastern Cape, VIP is hosting another VIP Debate Club, this time around we’re inviting members of parliament, party representatives and leading political figures to have open and robust conversations with you, yes you! Make your voice heard because it matters. This is your opportunity ...

5 things MPs discussed about young people during the third term

By Sheilan Clarke

There were many interesting events in parliament over the past few months. From discussions about military conscription to Stellenbosch University’s appearance in parliament, here are five youth-related highlights from parliament’s third term.


Sending SA’s youth to the army

Earlier this year the presidency revealed they were discussing ...

Livity Debate: Free Education - Has NSFAS failed us?

VIP EC logo

Livity Africa’s VIP Campaign, a youth politics platform that found success engaging young people in Joburg and Cape Town with the national elections in 2014, is now expanding to the Eastern Cape in the lead up to the 2016 local government elections.

The VIP Campaign is a non-partisan movement of ...

Hands off our internet

By: Rofhiwa Maneta

Recently, the Film and Publications Board successfully submitted their draft Online Regulation Policy for consideration by Parliament. The proposed policy aims to regulate content published on the internet to make sure it does not contain hate speech or child pornography. Content uploaded on the net would have ...

Parliament discusses teenage pregnancy and education

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This week marked the midpoint of parliament’s third term. On Wednesday, parliament was host to a number of sittings directly related to young people. The NYDA presented its performance for the first quarter of the financial year to the Portfolio Committee of Monitoring and Evaluation. Similarly, ministers ...

Five female MPs on their passion for politics

By Sheilan Clarke

Statistics show that 35.2% of South African cabinet ministers are women while 41.5% are parliamentarians. This means that of the 54 cabinet ministers, only 19 of them are women and out of a total of 400 parliamentarians, 166 are women. This is according to a United Nations ...

Bill, Bills, Bills

By Sheilan Clarke

In the second term of Parliament, three bills were passed, eight were introduced and 22 are still in the deliberation process. Check out this list of bills that you should familiarise yourself with:

National Liquor Policy

  • Status: Up for public comment

Basically, government wants the legal drinking ...

Metrorail eating away at our wallets

BY Sheilan Clarke

Metrorail (or Metrofail as commonly known among its commuters) has once again increased their tariffs despite late trains, broken seats, unnecessarily stopping in the middle of nowhere among other technical issues.

Lennit Max, Standing Committee chairman on Transport and Public Works recently said he wanted Metrorail to ...

Live Magazine SA: VIP Debate Club Cape Town - Party People Edition


After hosting a successful festival in Cape Town and Joburg, Live Mag SA looked at some of the points that surfaced in the numerous discussions and realised that one topic stood out – Youth Unemployment.

As part of their ongoing debate series, they are inviting Members of Parliament (MPs), ...

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