LiveMagSA: Will we ever get free education?

By Sheilan Clarke

Imagine a world where you don’t have to pay for school, fork out a fortune to get an education or stand in long queues at NSFAS for a bursary. Well that might be a possibility as government is reportedly aiming to roll out free education for tertiary ...

Livity: VIP Youth Festival 2015 - “The State of SA Youth”

youth fest

Join Livity on June 16-18 2015 at the VIP Youth Fest in Cape Town and Johannesburg as they celebrate young people under the theme: The State of SA Youth Today.

The mandate of VIP Campaign is to discuss and examine the social, cultural and economic themes that dominate the lives ...

LiveMagSA: How do we solve youth unemployment?

By Sheilan Clarke

Get this; according to statistics, over half of our country’s youth are unemployed. That’s a pretty high figure. How did we get to this point and, importantly, what’s the way forward? We caught up with a Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (EFF), Michael Cardo (DA) and Cheryllyn Dudley (ACDP) to ...

LiveMagSA: What does the National Youth Plan say about…

By Sheilan Clarke

Government hasn’t forgotten about the youth of South Africa. So much so that The Presidency created the National Youth Plan 2020 (NYP). The draft, which was approved by Cabinet on Thursday, focuses on how to improve certain areas of the lives of young people. Deputy Minister in ...

LiveMagSA: The Secrecy bill edges closer to law

By Rofhiwa Maneta

This month Minister of State Security David Mahlobo announced that he was in “advanced stages” of drafting regulations for the Protection of State Information Bill. The regulations – which set the foundation for the bill to be implemented once signed into law – have renewed fears from ...

LiveMagSA: Xenophobia - With heads bowed in shame…

By Rofhiwa Maneta

History has a dirty habit of repeating itself. When the wave of xenophobic violence swept through South Africa seven years ago, claiming 67 lives and displacing thousands, no one could’ve bargained it would happen again. Former President Thabo Mbeki addressed parliament a month after the attacks, apologising ...

LiveMagSA: Understanding government’s plan to give ten-year-olds condoms

By Kgorula Bitterhout

The Department of Basic Education has recently come under fire for its plans to provide school kids with condoms. The plan, which is part of the department’s Draft National Policy on HIV, STI’s and TB, could see children as young as ten receive condoms. This has drawn ...

LiveMagSA: Parliament needs to hear your voice

By Rofhiwa Maneta

Let’s have a frank conversation. How often do you keep up with parliament? Outside of the occasional parliamentary scuffle or the President’s annual State of the Nation Address (SONA), do you know what goes on inside the chambers of South Africa’s biggest law-making body? You should. Sure, ...

LiveMagSA: How a bill becomes a law

By Sheilan Clarke

Let’s be honest; making sense of laws, legislation and bills all sound daunting. But we still have a responsibility to know what they mean and the level of impact they have on our lives. But don’t worry, we’re here to show you how bills eventually become laws ...

LiveMagSA: Life without electricity

By Philela Singama

This week, Minister of Public Enterprises announced that South Africans should expect load shedding to continue this winter. The news comes a month after the Department of Energy appeared before the Portfolio Committee on Energy and brought them up to date with the progress of their “Five ...

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