Mr Mbuyiseni Ndlozi - EFF


Mbuyiseni Ndlozi is the youngest member of the Economic Freedom Fighters and the National Spokesperson for the party. He is also a PhD student in Political Sociology at the University of Witwatersrand.

Political Background: I was born in 1985 and grew up in Everton in the Vaal area of Gauteng. I was brought into political consciousness in 1992 when my uncle was jailed by the apartheid police force for his involvement in the underground activities of the liberation movement. For the first time in my life I began to understand the oppression in the country, which I would later understand as racist, colonial and capitalist.

My own political participation in mainstream politics came later in the form of participation in youth movements. I joined the South African Students Congress, the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) and the Young Communist League (YCL). I have served in the Palestinian and Cuban international solidarity movements. In 2013, I was involved in the “No Obama Campaign” that was initiated by some youth political congresses in the country.

My job as an MP entails representing the people. I sit on the Portfolio Committees of Telecommunications as well as Communications to do oversight work.

In joining the Fifth Parliament as a new MP, I am looking forward to making sure that strict accountability is revived on the executive, that Parliament returns to the people – that the people follow Parliament’s developments and that as MPs we represent the citizens and their interests well. I hope in the next five years, to expose that the ruling party has no ideological framework to take South Africa beyond the political freedoms it won and that instead, under pressure from opposition, it will start to undermine these freedoms. Above all, I want to show that an agenda, based only on seven cardinal pillars of the EFF, can take South Africa to economic freedom and sustainable development.

When engaging in constituency work I look forward to being informed by the lived experiences of ordinary South Africans in our manner of doing parliamentary work and what is prioritised in it. I look forward to being their voice in Parliament.

I am passionate about seeing the EFF’s vision of economic freedom in this lifetime.

My message to South Africans: The EFF’s message to the youth of South Africa is that there should be economic freedom in our lifetime. I see this as a generational mission aimed at ensuring that South Africa is truly economically liberated. I believe that in the past 360 years, since colonial dispossession of the people began, their means of subsistence has been taken from them.

For more information about Honourable Ndlozi, please visit his profile page.


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