Ms Natasha Mazzone (DA)


How did you become involved in politics and what specifically drew you to your current political party? I read at a very politically active school from a young age where political awareness and engagement was encouraged. I come from a politically active home and when I arrived at the University of Pretoria (TUKS) I established the Democratic Party (DP) Youth Branch and was the National Federal Youth Leader of the DP from 1997 until 2000. In 2000 I was elected as a councillor in the Tshwane Metro Municipality and at the same time I was the National Youth Leader of the DA from 2000 until 2004.

What does your job as an MP entail? I am the Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises and this means that I represent the DA on matters to do with public enterprises. I am also a Whip in the National Assembly in charge of both rules and legislation.

What is your impression of the Fifth Parliament so far? I think that it has proven to be rather chaotic and that there is a complete disregard for the rules and smooth running of Parliament. There certainly has been some wonderful young talent that has come through to Parliament which was quite promising. However, I think we need to work very hard in bringing back the decorum of the Chamber and to make Parliament an honourable space again.

What constituency area have you been assigned to you by your party? What is most interesting about your constituency work so far? I have been assigned Mamelodi in the east of Pretoria. I love getting to know the people in my constituency and seeing the way South Africans are united in how they help and look after one another.

What I have come across are the disparities in education, which I find hugely problematic unless we can change the levels of education to put people on par, we will eventually find ourselves in a very difficult position. Drug abuse, poverty and unemployment are also incredibly prevalent in my constituency and we should never forget that 8.3 million South Africans are jobless.

What are you most passionate about? This applies both in a political/professional arena as well as personally? I am passionate about the fact that all of us want a prosperous South Africa where our children can receive quality education and we have access to homes, electricity; and water and sanitation. Moreover it is also wonderful that the more you interact, the more you realize that our differences are so minimal.

I am also incredibly proud of what we have achieved as a country and am quite passionate about ensuring that we all have access to basic services and have the ability to better ourselves regardless of where our lives may have begun. I think that as politicians it is our job to empower the citizens of South Africa by giving them the operational tools to become the best that they can possibly be.

What would your message to South Africans be? I want South Africans to know that change is possible and that the current situation that the current government has put us is in is not acceptable. It is time to vote the current government out and to vote for a government that will give actual basic services and create a prosperous environment. Every single vote counts and South Africans have the power to choose the government they want.

For more on this member, access her profile here.


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