Is the Electoral Amendment Bill Unconstitutional?

We sat down with Election Analyst, Michael Atkins, to discuss the electoral Amendment Bill and what consequences it will have for the 2024 national elections. Read the interview transcript below, and listen to the audio here.

Please note that this is not a verbatim transcript, as it has been edited ...

International Day of Democracy: Democratic Elections in South Africa

Pillars of Democracy

Between 1994 and 1996, various roleplayers, including the democratically elected Constitutional Assembly, Parliament, and the Constitutional Court, negotiated the South African Constitution. To this day, the Constitution that was produced has been regarded as one of the more progressive in the world, based on its extensive guarantees ...

How Are SCOPA Chairpersons Elected Nationally and Provincially?

What Is The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA)?

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) is a Legislature Committee that acts as Parliament’s watchdog over the financial expenditure of the Executive. It audits reports, internal audits, forensic reports and any other documents issued by the Auditor-General, as well as ...

By-Elections Explained

In this blog, we take you through the basics of by-elections. You can use this blog as a useful guide in understanding the importance of by-elections in your community, and more broadly as an important element in the value chain of our democratic system.

What are by-elections?

A by-election is ...

Why it is important to vote: Nkele Talifhani Galedzana

important to vote

In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors, who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See other blogs from from Candidate Councillors featured in this series - Kaamil Alli, Shakira Choonara and Nomonde Ndlovu.

2021 Local Government Election Candidate tells us why it's important to vote: Nomonde Ndlovu


In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors, who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See another blog from Candidate Councillor - Kaamil Alli and Shakira Choonara.

2021 Local Government Election Candidate tells us why it's important to vote: Shakira Choonara

shalira choonara

In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors, who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See another blog from Candidate Councillor - Kaamil Alli here.

2021 Local Government Election Candidate tells us why it's important to vote: Kaamil Alli



In this blog series, we profile a number of Candidate Coucillors who tell us why it is important to vote in the 2021 Local Government Election.

See another blog from Candidate Councillor - Shakira Choonara here.

We ask MP Sello Seitlholo - Why active citizenry in young people?

The focus on young people has gained traction in the mainstream, partly due to the effects of Covid-19 and how it has negatively impacted employment opportunities of young people.

We spoke to another young member of society, and activist in his own right. Member of Parliament Sello Seitlholo talks to ...

The 4 W’s and H of By-Elections


On the 11th of November, affected South African in 95 wards across the country will be making their way to cast their votes in this year’s municipal by-elections. Unlike the general national elections, where all South African citizens who are 18 years and older can vote, the by-elections take place ...

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