When is it bull-dozing?

Since the start of this election year, accusations have been made about important pieces of legislation being pushed or “bulldozed” through Parliament, specifically pointing fingers at the ruling party who has been accused of rushing through bills to garner more support from the public.

Some of the concerns were that ...

IEC releases list of national parties contesting 2014 election

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has released its list of parties that will be able to contest the national election on 7 May this year. Of the 33 parties who indicated their intention to contest the election, 29 complied with the IEC’s requirements, but four failed to submit ...

Election list surprises and the way forward

Yesterday, 12 March, marked the deadline for political parties intending to contest the national election to submit their candidate lists that will represent them in Parliament, says the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC). The ANC has released three lists – a national list featuring MPs who will serve in ...

“We are ready to run these elections” says IEC

The Home Affairs Portfolio Committee received a briefing by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) today, with mostly positive stories from the IEC regarding their preparation and state of readiness for the national election, come 7 May 2014.

IEC Deputy Chairperson, Terry Tselane, told the Committee that although “we ...

83% do not know where their local constituency office is

Our current survey shows that 83% of online visitors to the People’s Assembly did not know where their local constituency office is located. Parliament spent R203 million last year to provide these constituency offices.

The People's Assembly website focuses on MP accountability. SA does not have a constituency system where ...

No Bills by MPs accepted - despite Constitutional Court challenge

The life of the Fourth Parliament is drawing to a close. Not a single Private Member’s bill has been taken forward or passed in this Parliament, and since 1994, only 17 Private Members’ bills, the majority being of a purely technical nature, have been accepted.

Prior to 2012, all private ...

Highlights of the week ahead

Pravin Gordhan’s budget speech on Wednesday will be the main highlight this week in Parliament.

In the 2013 MTBPS Speech by Minister Pravin Gordhan the following challenges were enumerated:

● “Growth is too slow.

● Unemployment is high and many households are over-indebted.

● Government expenditure substantially exceeds our revenue. ...

The week ahead

The main source of parliamentary action this week will be in the National Assembly chamber as MPs debate the President’s State of the Nation Address. Members of Parliament will be afforded an opportunity to state their views on Tuesday and Wednesday and the President will get his turn to ...

State of the Province Address – All you need to know

Following the President’s State of the Nation Address, the Premiers from all 9 provinces will deliver their State of the Province Addresses over the next two weeks.

The State of the Province Address is a localised version of the State of the Nation Address where Premiers reflect on and ...

Shrinking the accountability deficit

By Christi van der Westhuizen__

This year South Africans celebrate the 20-year anniversary of our democratic parliament. With national and provincial elections approaching, political parties are finalising the lists of candidates selected to represent South Africans. It is an opportune moment to reflect on the efficacy of public representation ...

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