Zuma’s speech will need to strike chord with those on the burning streets

By Judith February__

This article first appeared in Eye Witness News and the Cape Times on 13 February 2014

What is the state of our nation? Recently we have seen a dramatic rise in social protest as we stand on the cusp of elections. No fewer than five protests ...



MyVoteCounts (MVC), launched almost two years ago, is a dynamic campaign aimed at improving the accountability, transparency and inclusiveness of elections and politics in South Africa in general.

The campaign, formed by citizens and members of civil society organisations, aims to do this in two ways:

• By advocating for ...

No quorum at labour relations amendment bill meeting

Considering that the ANC’s Chief Whip, Stone Sizani, was recently reported in the Sunday Times as saying that the contentious Labour Relations Amendment Bill (LRA) was one of the nine pieces of legislation the ruling party wanted to get passed in Parliament prior to the general elections, it was surprising ...

Section 27 Article: Voters should demand the right to know political sugar-daddies

Political party funding: Who pays the Piper? Who calls the tune? by Mark Heywood

In less than four months, in compliance with our Constitution’s injunction that gives “every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution” the Independent ...

Parliament gears up for SONA

President Zuma will deliver the 2014 State of the Nation Address (SONA) to a Joint Sitting of the two Houses at 7pm from the National Assembly Chamber on Thursday 13 February. Although this is commonly regarded to be the official opening of Parliament, it is important to note that MPs ...

Committee adopts Land Rights Bill, extends deadline for lodging claims

The Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill was passed by the Rural Development and Land Reform Portfolio Committee yesterday, 5 February, after what seemed like rushed deliberations.

The bill seeks to amend the Restitution of Land Rights Act of 1994 by extending the date for lodging a claim for restitution ...

Traditional Courts bill full steam ahead despite public pressure to stop it

After a protracted parliamentary process, the contentious Traditional Courts Bill (TCB) is back on the agenda! This may have come as a surprise to anyone reading this weekend’s Sunday Times, which reported that the ANC Women’s League, opposition parties and a number of civil society groups appeared to have won ...

Ms Mudene Smuts (DA) MP


DENE SMUTS, has been a Member of Parliament for over two decades. She was born in the Free State and is the daughter of a judge. She joined the realm of politics in 1989 and has served the Groote Schuur and Athlone constituencies.

Political background: I have been an ...

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