Why is Gauteng so important?

By Simon Williamson

There's a lot more to this election in Gauteng than the Premier's race.

After we’ve all gone and voted, the Independent Electoral Commission shunts the numbers through a formula to determine who gets how many seats in the next National Assembly, and all the provincial legislatures. It ...

Questioning the relevance of smaller opposition political parties

During President Jacob Zuma’s visit to greater Durban, ahead of the 7 May elections, he expressed the view that “it’s cold outside the ANC”. Opposition political parties were criticised for making empty promises, as they have not been in government and will not become government, perhaps signalling their irrelevance. ...

Artists have a mandate to be critical of political power

With the final push for votes happening with a few days left until elections, many artists and famous persons are lending their names to political parties through a series of rallies and strategic appearances. Musical acts such as Freshly Ground and actors such as Zolisa Xavula (Jason from SABC’s Generations) ...

A visit to Salt River ANC Constituency Office

The biggest ANC constituency office in the Western Cape is based at its regional headquarters in Salt River. People’s Assembly caught up with Glen Geswindt, Parliamentary Constituency officer to Marius Fransman, leader of the ANC in the Western Cape and Deputy Minister of International Relations.

Geswindt Glen Geswindt, Parliamentary Constituency Officer ...

Elections driven by volunteers


Some people may be unaware that South African general elections are predominantly run by volunteers. All they receive is a small stipend for subsistence and travel. According to Western Cape Electoral Officer Courtney Sampson, the 1578 polling stations and 2.941 million voters registered in the Western Cape will be attended ...

Elections: preparation & process

In terms of preparation for the election, Courtney Sampson, Provincial Electoral officer for the IEC in the Western Cape told Peoples Assembly, “The IEC works according to a very strict timetable that is legislated. As soon as an election is called, that timetable kicks into place. The timetable determines the ...

The Right Not to Vote

With the 2014 elections fast approaching, some media reports have bemoaned levels of voter apathy in South Africa, with The Citizen declaring “SA Voter Apathy Worrying” (The Citizen, 4 March, 2014) and The Star calling for “Change Needed to Fight Voter Apathy” (The Star, 7 November 2013). But while ...

"Why I am spoiling my ballot"

In an opinion piece published in City Press last year, outspoken writer TO Molefe boldly declared that he was going to spoil his ballot in protest during the upcoming elections. He explained that many people have reacted in shock to his decision.

“Others think I lose my right to complain ...

Party funding, the illness at the heart of our society

1 APR 2014

Secret funding of political parties poses a serious threat to a strong, independent and democratic society as it enables a tiny minority of influential people and corporations to exercise an electoral influence stronger than a single vote. Secrecy breeds corruption, and it’s making our democracy ...

How your vote is kept secret

As a means of ensuring free and fair elections, the secret ballot voting method guarantees voter confidentiality and helps to protect them from any attempts to influence their decision through bribery and intimidation.

South Africa’s elections are just around the corner. Have you ever wondered how the Independent Electoral Commission ...

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