By-elections Survey Findings


Voter turnout for by-elections, which are used to fill political offices that become vacant between general elections, has historically lagged behind that for municipal, provincial and national elections. There are many reasons why this is the case. In our October survey, we looked at voter attitudes and views on ...

Infographic: The Voting Process

Only a few more weeks until Election Day (8 May)! To all first-time voters who are daunted by the notion of voting, People's Assembly has created a visual representation of the voting process. It's really as simple as it looks. Happy voting!


Decisions on public money not that democratic when the majority is not heard

By Steven Friedman



WHEN South Africans debate how public money should be spent, we can be sure that the voices of most of the people will never be heard.

The conflict over university fee increases is the latest example. We are told that "the students" want some ...

Ms Beauty Dlulane (ANC)


What is your political background?

I come from a political background and was influenced by elders like Mr Kati and Mr Xobololo who are both recognised stalwarts of the ANC in my region. At the inception of the June 16 uprising in 1976 my elder siblings who were involved in ...

Seminar: Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?


What do rising levels of protest and a depreciating economic and political climate mean for South Africa’s future? Is the Rainbow Nation at a turning point?

rainbowThis seminar will present the ISS’ latest futures analysis on economics, politics and instability in South Africa up to 2024. Three new papers setting ...

Ms Natasha Mazzone (DA)


How did you become involved in politics and what specifically drew you to your current political party? I read at a very politically active school from a young age where political awareness and engagement was encouraged. I come from a politically active home and when I arrived at the University ...

Opinion & Analysis: SA needs more accountability in its electoral system



The report by Municipal IQ on the trends in service delivery protests in SA is very disturbing. A worrying component of these protests is the increasing level of violence, and even more worrying is the fact that the violence is perpetrated mostly by the youth, who should ...

Infographic: Are we ready for the 2016 Municipal Elections?

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) met with the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs to present the Commission’s readiness for the upcoming 2016 Municipal Elections on Tuesday, 17 May 2016. The briefing covered the final wards delivered by the Municipal Demarcation Board, the number of voting districts, the voters roll and ...

OPINION: The election machinery picks up steam

By Judith February

Disclaimer: a full stadium does not necessarily translate into votes. This past weekend the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) put on what can only be described as a very impressive show. First to launch its manifesto was the ANC, followed by the DA. The latter fared ...

Mr Sarel Marais (DA)


What is your political background? How did you become involved in politics?

I have an MBA degree and several years of practical business experience. I served as Mayor for the Rawsonville Transitional Council from 1995 to 2000 and am very active in serving the local disability community. In addition, I ...

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